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The social media platform Instagram features something called quiz stickers which allow followers the ability to ask questions of the person posting on reels. While I have no idea how to do that, I thought it might be fun to do something similar in this week’s column.

The questions that follow are some that I thought you might have.

Why are you always bashing on the best president this country has ever had?

I actually agree with those of you who believe Donald Trump is a trustworthy person and is certainly more honest than Abraham Lincoln. Unfortunately, one of the requirements of being a part of the mainstream media is that I am required to attack our former president and every other member of the Grand Old Party on a regular basis.

That, of course, is a lie and the fact that some of you actually believed it scares the hell of me.

The true worth of the men who serve in the Oval Office isn’t determined until well after their presidency ends. I believe that years from now even Trump’s most ardent followers will realize my writings and those of other honest contributors to this newspaper were on the right side of history.

You claim to be an independent voter. Aren’t you really a bleeding-heart liberal masquerading as an independent?

No, although I am a tad more liberal than conservative.

If I were to rate myself on a scale of 1 to 10 with the low being a bleeding-heart and the high representing a selfish cold-hearted conservative, I’d give myself a 4.5, mostly middle of the road with compassion for our fellow humans truly in need.

For example, I feel for the families I’ve seen on the nightly news risking their lives crossing the Rio Grande in hopes of a better life. At the same time, I agree with our former president that we need a structure to properly process the people crossing the border.

I believe Democrats should agree to fund the building of walls on our borders and Republicans should show empathy for the people wanting to become Americans and work with those across the aisle to develop a realistic plan to help migrants.

What do you think of Joe Biden forgiving a portion of student loans?While I certainly understand the financial hardship debt has on college graduates I disagree with the president.

My daughter, for example, fell in love with some of the private colleges we toured, but she agreed to attend a state college in order to save money.

In addition, she applied for, and took on, the responsibility of being a resident assistant in her dorm. While her friends were enjoying themselves on weekend nights, her responsibility was to man the dorm’s front desk.

Her mom and I also worked many weekends covering state tournament games in every New England state for the NFHS. We opted to work seven days a week in an effort to help our daughter minimize debt when she graduated.

It is why we were all proud when she walked across the stage to receive her diploma having paid off all of her student loans. Her dedication continued when she minimized costs by serving as a graduate assistant while earning her master’s.

I understand why college students need financial aid in the form of grants and loans. The president’s move, however, isn’t fair to people like my daughter and others like her.

A college education is simply too expensive and Biden’s decision doesn’t address that.

Do you have a favorite children’s story?My favorites are the ones that teach the readers valuable lessons, such as the story of “The Three Little Pigs.”

You remember the story — two of the three little pigs ignored the warnings of their brother, the third pig in the title. They made fun of him after quickly building their houses of sticks and straw, while they played all day.

When the Big Bad Wolf blew apart their homes, just as their brother predicted, they ran to his house for help.

I see an eerie similarity between the children’s story and residents and their elected leaders in states who have mocked those of us who have warned them about the dangers of climate change.

Two of those little pigs, Kentucky and Texas, are now relying on the taxes that we all pay to rescue them from their own choices.

I don’t think you should be able to say a problem doesn’t exist and then ask for a bailout every time it happens.

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