World Gay News

Peter Gay: Enough already! | Columns | – The Sun Chronicle

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I read the multiple letters to the editor written by a number of you critical of this newspaper’s front page story about Attleboro’s acting mayor appearing in a photo taken “at a rally in August 2020 that touted the conspiratorial views of QAnon.”

While I don’t believe Jay DiLisio is one of the wackos who believe high-ranking Democratic Party officials operated a human trafficking and child sex ring in the back of pizza parlor, The Sun Chronicle made the correct decision in running the story.

To ignore the anonymous submission of a photo of the mayoral candidate would have been a dereliction of duty by the people who publish this paper.

Imagine the outcry if the newspaper hadn’t run the story, DiLisio is elected late next month and — as unlikely as it would be — was found to indeed be a member of QAnon.

Enough already!

I have to believe those of you who sent letters to the editor and, at least one of my fellow columnists, have let your feelings toward Paul Heroux cloud your thinking about the suggestions he made after leaving the mayor’s office.

If city leaders and residents don’t like Heroux’s ideas of having the mayor serve as the chair of the school committee and having “some control over spending in the school department” they shouldn’t make changes to the city charter.

Only 16 men and two women have served as mayor. They have unique experience that should be welcomed and their suggestions should be respected and not ridiculed.

One of the first actions I took after I was elected president of Highland Country Club more than a decade ago was meeting with the presidents who had served before me.

I am confident that if the people who held the position after me hadn’t been so headstrong and had listened to me and other past presidents, the property would still be a golf course and not a park.

Enough already!

“You should write about all of the potholes in the roads,” an older gentlemen sitting in the corner of the Dunkin’ Donuts on North Main Street in Attleboro said to me as I joined friends for a morning coffee last week.

“Call him pothole Jim,” a friend seated to his left said.

Jim and I agreed roads today are worse than they when we were both younger.

Take my commute, for example. I have an eight-minute drive to and from North TV and travel on only seven streets.

With the exception of Chestnut Street from Route 1 to North Washington, the roads are atrocious. I don’t blame leaders in Attleboro and North Attleboro, however, because even roads that were paved a few years ago are already starting to crumble.

We’ve all seen asphalt pavers on local streets or on one of the area’s interstates. The equipment the contractors use aren’t wide enough to complete the job in one pass, resulting in a seam the length of the entire road.

I don’t ever recall the seams between the strips of pavement wearing away as quickly as they do now, do you?

Are the contractors laying pavement incompetent? Are they to blame?

Are the companies like the one off of Route 1A in Wrentham producing an inferior product? Are they to blame?

Is the problem simply a matter of more cars traveling on those roads than when we were younger?

Whatever the reason, something needs to be done.

How much do you know?

I hope Oreste D’Arconte will forgive me for ending this week’s column with a local trivia question. Can you tell me, “without looking it up,” what was Attleborough’s first Roman Catholic church?

Email yours answers to the address below

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