HARRISBURG — The Pennsylvania Senate on Wednesday approved a prohibition on school instruction before sixth grade on sexual orientation or gender identity — a bill dubbed “don’t say gay” by its opponents — and also acted to have school districts tell parents about school library books with sexually explicit content.

The actions took place in separate votes, with the first motion passing by a 30-20 margin and the second passing by a 29-21 margin.


Both Republican-driven bills will now go to the House for consideration.

Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf has indicated he will veto the school instruction bill, should it reach his desk.


Concerning the other bill, Wolf spokesperson Beth Rementer said, “This attempt to censor curricula and our educators is extremely concerning. Further, it usurps the ability of individual school districts to determine what’s in the best interest of its students, staff and residents.”

The school instruction bill bears similarity to one signed into law in Florida by Gov. Ron DeSantis in March. The bill there was titled “Parental Rights in Education” but opponents called it “Don’t Say Gay.”

The Pennsylvania bill says classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity is not age-appropriate for pupils in grades five or earlier “and therefore may not occur.” It also says such instruction “may not occur in sixth through twelfth grade in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate in accordance with state standards.”

The prime sponsor, Republican Sen. Scott Martin of Lancaster County, said the bill would “empower parents and increase transparency” because it also requires parents be notified of all health care services offered at the school as well as any well-being questionnaires, surveys or health screenings.

Democrats attacked the bill. Sen. Maria Collett of Montgomery County described it as an attempt to remove LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum from schools, while Sen. Judy Schwank of Berks County said the chamber’s priorities were misplaced.

Schwank said, “We are tarnished as a legislative body by not doing the work we should truly be doing.”

On the other bill — which would have school districts notify parents about school library books and instructional materials with sexually explicit content — many Republicans favored it as a mechanism to keep graphic sexual images and descriptions out of the hands of children.

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Democrats characterized it as propaganda, an attempt to ban books and — in the words of Sen. Steven Santarsiero of Bucks County — an “attempt to find a problem that doesn’t exist.”


Republicans gave stark descriptions of the images and text sequences found in school materials as including oral sex and other acts that would be considered pornography in other settings.

“What’s next, Hustler or Penthouse?” Republican Sen. Camera Bartolotta of Washington County said.

The bill calls for school districts to hold a public forum to seek input, then create policies “that provide parental notification of instructional materials and books containing sexually explicit content and include information, guidance, procedures and standards.”

It calls for schools to identify the sexually explicit instructional materials or books available to students and to ensure parents are notified “prior to student exposure.”

It allows parents or legal guardians of students to review the materials and ask that the school provide alternative, non-explicit material to their children, or prevent the student from viewing the library book in question.

Morning Call Capitol correspondent Ford Turner can be reached at fturner@mcall.com.