INDIAN TRAIL, N.C. — “The story you did is the reason our family changed and why we adopted him,” explains Steve Nichols. He and his husband, John Winn, saw WCCB’s story about the so-called gay dog and decided they would adopt him.
Nichols says, “We’ve been subject to that kind of bigotry and ignorance throughout our lives together, and we couldn’t always do anything about it. We looked at each other and said, we can do something about this!”
It’s been a little more than two months since they adopted the dog. Oscar, as he is now called, is now heartworm-free, cancer-free and worry-free. Nichols says, “He is just the most laid back dog, the complete polar opposite of (our other dog).”
The story about Oscar spread across the globe. There was so much media attention, Winn wondered one night when it would stop. Nichols told him, “It will stop the minute somebody else does something stupid, and four hours later was the Oscar’s slap. And that’s when it stopped. It stopped dead in it’s tracks!”
But the online attention has kept clipping along. Nichols launched OscarTheGayDog.com, that tells Oscar’s story, and most importantly, encourages people to support animal shelters and rescues.
Oscar, meantime, is unfazed by all the fuss. While he appreciates the toys sent by strangers (even Ally Financial sent a gift basket), all that matters to Oscar is love.
Ally also made a generous donation to the Greater Charlotte SPCA, the rescue that sponsored Oscar’s heartworm treatment and initial vet care.