Enter, someone. What was once said Ace (ground-breaking in its day, to give due where due is due) is now One Hundred Shoreditch. And boy, is it something. The Lore Group have done the do (they off-of Sea Containers over on the South Bank and Riggs in Washington DC and Amsterdam’s superstar Pulitzer) and created a humdinger of a hotel that has given this neck of East London’s woods the sophisticated hotel experience it totally knew it needed. Goodbye fading Formica, hello hipsters-have-grown-up-and-need-soft-surfaces!
And it’s all gone pretty-as-hell because of Jacu Strauss, the Creative Director of Lore, who decided ‘a hotel that was more democratic to its visitors and guests, with genuine personal touches in the design’ was the way to go. In the rooms this reads as a palette of crisp whites and just-off-whites and gentle greys and materials that make you swoon – berber carpets, oversized bedding – and gorgeous little objets and custom tapestries with pops of non-scary reds and blues and yellows, like tropical birds swinging by a pristine beach, if you will. Sanctuaries. Big calming juxtapositions to the crazy of Shoreditch outside. It’s like the hotel double-dipped Xanax, and it totally works. (Oh and yes, we worried about the practicalities of the white upholstery too, what with a penchant for red wine this end, but it’s all removable. These design people aren’t fools.)