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The Ministry of Education is still waiting to solve the mystery that is Lawrence T Gay Memorial Primary School.
The Spooner’s Hill, St Michael school has suffered a number of closures over the years due to environmental problems which have yet to be identified.
During a tour in May, Minister of Education Kay McConney said they had not found the cause of the most recent odour, adding the environmental department was investigating the surrounding areas.
On Friday, after an event with the Centre of Science and Industry in Queen’s Park, The City, Chief Education Officer Dr Ramona Archer-Bradshaw gave an update.
“As you are aware, we have performed certain tests at L.T. Gay. As we look forward to beginning the school year we will ensure the public is informed in regard to the school moving forward and that information will come to hand in due course,” she said.
During the first week in May, classes were halted in the Carlisle Clarke Block which houses Classes 2, 3 and 4 following complaints about a pungent, gaseous scent which caused headaches, burning eyes, itchy skin and a burning sensation in the throat.
On May 13, students and teachers again complained about environmental issues and on May 23, the Class 4 students were relocated to different classrooms on the western side of the school. (CA)