Hottest Trends

No One Knows Why This Is Trending on UK Twitter—But It’s An … – The Mary Sue

Person with head in hands

A certain phrase is trending on British Twitter, with 2,000 tweets and no one can quite tell why—but it sums up the January mood of the country pretty well.

“Oh FFS” is rising through the daily Twitter trends but, unlike usually where there’s a specific reason or news story attached to a trend, there’s no one answer as to why. Some people are using it to complain about the never-ending Royal Family drama, others are weighing in on the newly-launched Labour Party campaign, while still more tweets are spillover from the United States and the George Santos scandal.

Sadly, there are far too many reasons as to why people on Twitter want to let off some steam with an “Oh FFS” (oh for f***’s sake, for the uninitiated). Let’s be real: the world is on fire right now, sometimes quite literally.

To lighten the mood, some users have pointed out that, despite there being no unifying reason behind the trend, we can stand together behind the emotion of being completely and utterly done with the year—after a solid five days.

Perhaps there’s some comfort to be found here; all around the world, everyone is trundling through life with an “Oh FFS” mood, tweeting about it, then carrying on with their day. Twitter might often be a cesspit of conflicting opinions and anonymous insults, but via the “Oh FFS” trend, we can all feel a little bit better by knowing that we’re not completely alone in this.

Or we can keep rage-tweeting to people we don’t know on the internet. That’s always the other option.

(featured image: Adrian Swancar on Unsplash)

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