World Gay News

No Filter: Gaze Upon These Gay Celeb Halloween Costumes –

Welcome back to No Filter! This is the column where I catch you up on the goings on of celesbian Instagram! Of course, this week NF is basically a Halloween special, as there is nothing more fame-os like than spending money on extravagant costumes! Let’s roll!

Pam and Tommy was a hot ticket couples costume this year, and as Megan so rightfully points out, it really does work for these two and their vibe!

Gorgeous, glorious, stunning as ever! The thing is, celebrity costumes often feel like….”okay and?” Like, we know you are rich and can have a photoshoot, but I need to see this at a party? That’s the fun thing about a costume, seeing them in movement! Seeing a photoshoot is just like…yeah? We get it! This is not Keke specific, as we all know, I think she can do no wrong!

Chrishell’s other non-G Flip costume was…non specific hot skeleton? Nice work if you can get it!

Yes, this is in fact a puuuurfect Catwoman!

It’s the caption for me!!

Well look, if you are gonna do the photoshoot thing, you gotta commit this hard. Bonus points if you can toss in your Grammy!

See also: committing to the bit!

What an iconic lazy costume — we know Kehlani is a surfer girl these days, and this deep cut homosexual pull is perfect!

Oh are you surprised to hear I love this??

It was, in fact, real to me.

Velma Dinkley you will always be famous!

The other thing that being famous means is that you will always get to do MULTIPLE costumes! And what an iconic couple to do!

The only time I will accept colored contacts on Black people is Halloween! That is my official rule!

Personally I would never make Gigi repent for anything!

Like you didn’t want to see Baby Sloane as Spiderman??

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