

The long history of American politics is far-reaching, affecting government policy and influencing all aspects of our personal lives. Readers will have ample opportunity to read a variety of new political books at the library.

“SECRET CITY: The Hidden History of Gay Washington” by James Kirchick (306.766 KI) researches 75 years of presidential administrations, from Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Bill Clinton, revealing how employees and society influencers were able to keep their homosexuality secret at a time when affection between same-sex couples was considered deviant. The writing is engaging, and bursting with information, including extensive notes and a comprehensive index at the back of the book.

“ONE PERSON, ONE VOTE: A Surprising History of Gerrymandering in America” by Nick Seabrook (328.3345 SE) chronicles the political process of reshaping the boundaries of voting districts with intent to favor one political party over the other. The practice of redistricting has been going on since 1812 when Elbridge Gerry, Massachusetts governor, tried to retain his office by changing district boundaries to tip the votes in his favor. Since then, virtually every state has changed voting districts to influence political outcomes.

“THE SPY WHO KNEW TOO MUCH: An Ex-CIA Officer’s Quest Through a Legacy of Betrayal” by Howard Blum (921 Bagley) encompasses everything political. The CIA was established in 1947 as a continuation of foreign surveillance efforts by the United States that began during the Revolutionary War. See https://www.cia.gov/legacy/cia-history for in-depth CIA information. Then follow Tennant “Pete” Bagley as he enters the mysterious web of CIA operations and spends the rest of his life navigating through the network.

“RADICAL: My Year with a Socialist Senator” by Sofia Warren (921 Warren) uses a graphic novel format to document a year in the life of cartoonist, Sofia Warren, as she joins ranks with New York state senator Julia Salazar to take on the issue of housing rights. The author provides a behind-the-scenes look at political newcomers operating within the limits of big government.

“STRENGTH IN NUMBERS: How Polls Work and Why We Need Them” by G. Elliott Morris (303.38 MO) clarifies the polling process at a time when the general population does not think their views are represented in polls. The author provides a history of polling, how it plays a role in democracy, and how the data can be used to predict trends, especially in elections. This book includes extensive notes and is nicely indexed.

“THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVITUDE: Donald Trump’s Washington and the Price of Submission” by Mark Leibovich (324.2734 LE) is hot off the press with a glimpse into relationships between Donald Trump and his circle of Republican supporters who started out as political opponents during the 2016 presidential campaign. Soon after the Republican nomination, these Washington stalwarts submitted to Trump idealogy in order to stay in his good graces and retain their own seats in Congress. The book is conversational, with lots of quotes from well-known media and political figures.

By Lynette Suckow

Reference Librarian

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