Submitted by Perry L. Newell.
When you ask a fifth grader what you want to be when they grow up, you often get answers like “a firefighter, or a singer in a band or a teacher.” She was that weird kid who said, “a medical researcher.”
She graduated from Yate University this year.
She is excited to work with patients, save lives, providing diagnoses and treatments.
Yes, she started early, joining organizations in school and out, gaining the skills to succeed.
When the student is ready the teacher will appear!

The Research has begun for the addition of the Cash for Kids – Elementary & Middle School effort, which will be reported from June to January. Adding this foundational effort, where we attempt to identify a number of Honors and Awards to the mixture for those in middle, high, vocational school, college and into adulthood.
The Funding College Project, and Cash for Kids are non-commercial activities and have been asked to supply to individuals, organizations, newspapers, and community bulletin boards serving the area with information about active honors, awards, scholarships and insightful advice.
The Funding College Project is about finding and using techniques and strategies to support school aged and post high school activities. We work with students and families internationally. We identify, alerting interested parties to existing options, building contacts, answering questions, completing forms and nominations for prizes and awards. Learn More:
OPTIONS AND AWARDS FOR STUDENTS – Elementary school children may not know where they want to go to college or what they want to study but thinking about paying for college can be intimidating for their parents. So, You Want To Go To College, Now What? Grades 6-12:
OCEAN AWARENESS STUDENT CONTEST – AGES 11 – 18 – Sponsor: From the Bow Seat – Amount: Up to $1,500 – Closing Date: June 14, 2021 – Description: Contest is open to middle and high school students from around the world between the ages of 11 and 18 years of age. Applicant must focus on this year theme of “Water Rising” and submit a piece of art, poetry, prose, film or music on this year’s theme. In addition to the general contest, there are specific awards for students from Massachusetts.…/ocean-awareness-contest/overview/
ADIDAS BLACK AND LATINX COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM – Sponsor: UNCF | Adidas – Amount: Up to $10,000 – Closing Date: June 3, 2021 – Description: Scholarship is open to
graduating high school seniors who are African American/Black and/or LatinX. Applicant must have at least a 2.5 GPA and will be enrolling as a full-time, first-year student in the fall at an accredited postsecondary institution.
INTERNAL REVENUE TAX CODE – will help you determine if you’re eligible for certain educational credits or deductions including the American Opportunity Credit, the Lifetime Learning Credit, and the Tuition and Fees Deduction.
CAREERONE STOP – A U.S. Department of Labor sponsors CareerOne Stop, which provides a list of nationally available awards and searches for more than 8,000 scholarships, fellowships, grants, and financial aid award opportunities. In addition to resources about career exploration, training, and jobs.
MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS – The nation’s largest, multi-billion dollar scholarship database— create a free account to see all of your personalized matches and start applying today. $11 Billion in Merit National Awards at and may offer you additional resources.
COLLEGESCORECARD – FIND THE RIGHT FIT. Find out about colleges: their programs, costs, admissions, results, and more.
COLLEGE NAVIGATOR can help you find programs, and resources.
HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS – Find a clearer path to college, earlier – Earn scholarships from colleges for your achievements as early as 9th grade Sign up—it is free!
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS CAN BE EASY! Filling out all of those scholarship applications can be time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be. With Scholar Snapp, apply in a fraction of the time — it’s fast, easy, and free.
BATES TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL IS HOSTING A “FREE” SUMMER CAMP in July (the week of the 12 and then again the week of the 26th) for high school students ages 16 – 20 to come check out some of our Hands-On programs that they may be interested in. We’ll have lots of fun activities for them to participate in , we’ll also supply lunch as well. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have questions. I’ll be more than happy to talk with you. You can call me directly at 253-680-7409 or email me at
PAPA JOHN’S SCHOLARSHIP – Sponsor: UNCF | Papa John’s – Amount: $5,000 – Closing Date: June 14, 2021 – Description: Scholarship is open to rising college sophomores, juniors, and senior African American students majoring or have an academic focus in business administration/management with a concentration in human resources, marketing, communications, or public relations; supply chain, operations, information systems technology, or other STEM subjects.
ADVANCEMENT OF WOMEN IN SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT SCHOLARSHIP – Sponsor: The Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation – Amount: $1,000 – Closing Date: June 14, 2021 – Description: Scholarship is open to female undergraduate or graduate students who are majoring in Public Relations, Communication, Media Studies, Marketing or Journalism. Applicant must be a legal resident of the United States and have a desire to work in the entertainment or sports industry.
LUTHER AND MARY IDA VANDROSS SCHOLARSHIP – Sponsor: The Philadelphia Foundation – Amount: Up to $6,000 – Closing Date: June 12, 2021 -Description: Scholarship is open to students in their 3rd, 4th, or 5th year of study leading to an undergraduate degree who are enrolled at a four-year Historically Black College or University (HBCU). Applicant must have at least a 2.5 GPA and demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to applicants who are residents of the Northeastern region of the U.S.
AWAF SCHOLARSHIP – Sponsor: Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation (AWAF) – Amount: Varies – Closing Date: June 12, 2021 – Description: Scholarship is open to female, North American citizens, with a passion for a career or advancement in the automotive industry or a related industry. Applicant must be accepted to or enrolled in an accredited collegiate program with at least a 3.0 GPA.
OUT TO INNOVATE SCHOLARSHIPS – Sponsor: National Organization of Lesbian and Gay Scientists and Technical Professionals Inc. – Amount: Up to $5,000 – Closing Date: June 5, 2021 – Description: Scholarships are open to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in science technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) programs who are either lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or an active ally of the LGBTQ+ community.
SMRP SCHOLARSHIPS – Sponsor: Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals – Amount: Up to $10,000 -Closing Date: June 4, 2021 – Description: Scholarships are open to rising juniors and seniors in college, second year students at two-year schools, and graduate students majoring in a maintenance, reliability or engineering-focused program.
NCAA POSTGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP – Sponsor: National Collegiate Athletic Association – Amount: Up to $10,000 – Closing Date: June 4, 2021 – Description: Scholarship is open to student athletes who have achieved in their last year of varsity-level intercollegiate spring athletics at an NCAA school. Applicant must be nominated by the faculty athletic representative or athletic director and be enrolling as a full- or part-time graduate students. Applicant must have a minimum 3.2 GPA.
FATHER JAMES B. MACELWANE ANNUAL AWARD IN METEOROLOGY – Sponsor: American Meteorological Society – Amount: $1,000 – Closing Date: June 4, 2021 – Description: Scholarship is open to current college students studying meteorology. Applicant must submit a paper on some phase of the atmospheric sciences, a letter of application, and a letter from the department head or faculty member.
UNCF ELEMENT FLEET SCHOLARSHIP – Sponsor: Element Fleet | UNCF – Amount: Varies – Closing Date: June 3, 2021 – Description: Scholarship is open to African American undergraduate junior and senior students who are interested in business and business-related fields (accounting, business, human resources, finances, marketing, sales, supply chain management).
LEROY F. AARONS SCHOLARSHIP AWARD – Sponsor: National Lesbian & Gay Journalist Association (NLGJA) – Amount: Up to $5,000 – Closing Date: June 3, 2021 – Description: Scholarships are open to current or incoming undergraduate or graduate students who are enrolled in an accredited journalism or mass communications field. Applicant must also demonstrate an awareness of the issues facing the LGBT community and the importance of fair and accurate news
LARRY TED MAY SCHOLARSHIP – Sponsor: UNCF – Amount: $10,000 – Closing Date: June 3, 2021 – Description: Scholarship is open to rising college juniors who are permanent residents of Connecticut, Georgia Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, or Vermont. Applicant must be Black/African American, Indigenous, LatinX, Asian or Pacific Islander. Preference will be given to students who are attending an HBCU and are music majors.
ADIDAS BLACK AND LATINX COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM – Sponsor: UNCF | Adidas – Amount: Up to $10,000 – Closing Date: June 3, 2021 – Description: Scholarship is open to graduating high school seniors who are African American/Black and/or LatinX. Applicant must have at least a 2.5 GPA and will be enrolling as a full-time, first-year student in the fall at an accredited postsecondary institution.
FOOT LOCKER FOUNDATION, INC-UNCF SCHOLARSHIP – Sponsor: Foot Locker Foundation – Amount: Up to $5,000 – Closing Date: June 2, 2021 – Description: Scholarship is open to graduating high school seniors and current college students attending one of the 37 UNCF member colleges or universities during the fall 2021 term.
ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS ROAD FORWARD SCHOLARSHIP – Sponsor: Enterprise Holdings – Amount: Up to $12,222 – Closing Date: June 2, 2021 – Description: Scholarship is open to first generation African American high school seniors who plan to attend a UNCF Member Institution. As a leader in the philanthropic space, Enterprise commitments range from global philanthropic initiatives to community focused projects. Additionally, Enterprise is committed in partnering with local nonprofit organizations engaged in sustainable initiatives and building stronger communities.
WASHINGTON STATE OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIP – The application for the Career & Technical Scholarship is open now until June 6, 2021. Students: You may now be eligible for the @OppScholarship
Career & Technical Scholarship! Starting now, applicants who have earned their HS diploma or GED in ANY state (not just WA) are eligible.
THE BEYOND HB 1079 DREAMING – The Beyond HB 1079 Dreaming is a student-run endeavor made possible through collaborations of both college and high school students, higher-education institution support, and dedicated community members who work together towards the common goal of advancing and providing educational opportunities for all students regardless of citizenship.
ADIDAS LEGACY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM – Sponsor: Adidas America, Inc. | UNCF – Amount: Up to $10,000 – Closing Date: June 2, 2021 – Description: Scholarship is open to graduating high school seniors attending any one of the 27 high school participants of the Adidas Legacy Program (located in New York City, Chicago, and Los Angeles). Applicant must declare no interest or intent to play National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) varsity sports.
YOUTH FREE EXPRESSION FILM CONTEST: TRUTH TO POWER – Sponsor: National Coalition Against Censorship – Amount: Up to $1,000 – Closing Date: June 1, 2021 – Description: Contest is open to individuals living in the U.S. or its territories (but need not be citizens) who will be age 19 or younger on the day the film is submitted. Contestant must create a one-minute video using film, animation, photographs, music, or anything else to show the importance of expressing oneself and one’s gender identify through personal appearance.
WHVACR SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM – Sponsor: Women in HVACR – Amount: $2,000 – Closing Date: June 1, 2021 – Description: Scholarships are open to female high school seniors and current undergraduate and trade school students who are planning to enter the HVACR industry.
TED ROLLINS ECO SCHOLARSHIP – Sponsor: Ted Rollins Eco Scholarship – Amount: $1,000 – Closing Date: June 1, 2021 – Description: Scholarship is open to high school seniors and current undergraduate college students who are majoring (or plan to major) in a field related to sustainability.
STUDENT ACADEMY AWARDS COMPETITION – Sponsor: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences – Amount: Up to $5,000 – Closing Date: June 1, 2021 – Description: Award is open to student filmmakers who are enrolled as a full-time student in a degree-granting program at a college or university recognized by the SAA Executive Committee. Applicant must submit an original film.
Foundation Building with Honors, Awards and Scholarships
Whatever your child’s talent, there’s a scholarship to fit, when presented correctly, minds may open and honors, awards and scholarships will flow.
The Funding College Project is about finding and using techniques and strategies to fund school and post high school activities. Because we do things differently, always try to offer, “A Hand Up”.
It is not new and has been recognized internationally. A sample of their findings are listed here.