
Nessel joins coalition challenging Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law – The Pioneer

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel joined a coalition of 18 attorneys general in opposing Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, a law that prevents classroom discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity.

“One of the most important issues surrounding the education of our kids is making them feel seen, protected, and appreciated,” Nessel said. “That was not the motivation of this law. The intent and effect of this law is to exacerbate any feelings of otherness that LGBTQ+ students and LGBTQ+ teachers may hold, as well as isolate them from their peers. If the goal of this law had been to limit inappropriate content in classrooms, its language is much too broad and vague to do so in any meaningful way.”

Nessesl went on to say “I proudly stand with my colleagues in opposing this exclusionary law and I will do everything in my power to ensure that similar legislation does not come to Michigan.” 

This brief challenges Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education Act,” otherwise known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which outlaws classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through the third grade entirely. The law also requires that the state education agency write new classroom instructions for standards that must be followed by the fourth grade through the 12th grade.

But the law does not define many of its key terms, like ‘classroom instruction,’ so Florida teachers are already censoring themselves out of fear of the law. The law also allows a parent to bring a civil claim against a school district to enforce its vague prohibitions.

A group of students, parents, teachers, and organizations challenged the Act in federal district court, seeking to prevent its enforcement and alleging that it violates, among other things, the Equal Protection Clause and the First Amendment.  

The brief filed makes two main points that 1.) Florida’s law is unconstitutional. Although Florida claims the Act is intended to protect children and preserve parental choice and 2.) The law is causing significant harm to students, parents, teachers, and other states. Non-inclusive educational environments have severe negative health impacts on LGBTQ+ students, resulting in increased rates of mental health disorders and suicide attempts. These harms extend to youth not just in Florida, but throughout the country.

Nessel is joining the amicus brief with attorneys general from California, Colorado, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington.