
My wife can use sex toy if it makes her happy –Daniel K. Daniel (DKD), actor – The Sun Nigeria – Daily Sun

By Christian Agadibe 


Nollywood actor, Daniel K. Daniel (DKD) has been bristling with the euphoria of being selected a member of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science (OSCARS).

Only recently, the Enugu-born actor returned home from the United States where he went to study acting and directing as well as shoot some movies. In this rare interview, he opened up on his journey to stardom, family, challenges, encounter with gays and major lessons learnt in the industry. Here are excepts:


How did you feel being invited to join the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, organiser of Oscars?

It’s an amazing feeling. I feel honoured and proud to be a member of the prestigious Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science. Only three filmmakers were selected from Nigeria this year, so that alone tells you how exclusive the list is. This will definitely be great for my career. It is a lovely crown and I will wear it with pride.


You took a break from acting. Why? 

It’s due to personal and professional reasons. I decided to take time off the scene. I spent time with my family in America during the COVID lockdown. I filmed some Hollywood and Nollywood projects abroad such as The Drone that Saved, Christmas, Albatross, Greener Pastures, and Yankee Hustle. I also took acting and directing course in Atlanta to further hone my skills.  


What movie role would you consider your most challenging and why?

Two roles come to mind: boss man in A Soldier’s Story because I had to use a foreign accent, and also because of the action in both parts of the movie. There were a lot of stunts, weapon training and hand-to-hand combat training. The role won me three Best Actor awards in Africa and internationally. The second is Corporal Obi in ‘76. I have had quite a good number of challenging roles in my career, to be honest, but this remains ever fresh because we spent six months in the Army Barracks in Ibadan with my co-actors and crew prepping for and filming ‘76, which won AMVCA 2016 Best African Film award. 


Which of the roles you’ve played so far is most similar to your real character?

I can’t really think of any right now. I have made several movies but I can’t say anyone has portrayed my real character as Daniel K. Daniel. 


What major lessons have you learned as an actor on set?

Several lessons, too numerous to mention. I have learned professionalism, relationship with others, young and old. This is very important because we work with different people every week. We do not have any permanent work colleagues; we work with a different set of cast and crew all the time. 


Have you ever faced the challenge of mixing your real character with a movie role?

Definitely, that’s the real challenge of acting. Acting means doing consciously what other people do consciously, but still making it look real at all times. The biggest challenge for every actor whenever they come on set is to stop being him or herself and become someone else completely. It’s easy for some, more difficult for others. It is an art I have mastered over time. Once I close my eyes and open them, the switch happens. 


Has any producer ever imposed any role on you, like asking you to do something that is not originally in the script?

This happens more often than you would imagine. Filmmakers are very creative people and sometimes the script is nothing but a guideline on how to do things. Inspiration comes sometimes when the scene is being shot. It comes to the director and to the actors as well. A lot of directors deviate from the script in many scenes and have actors do things differently. It happens quite a lot. There just needs to be an understanding between actors and directors about why and how things should be done a different way if need be. 


Have you ever had real feelings for a lady you acted with?

Yes, blood flows through our veins. 


What are you currently working on?

I just concluded a TV series shoot, and I am currently filming a movie for RokTV. 


Aside from what we see on the screen, who are you?

DKD is a husband, father, and an easy-going guy. I love my privacy. I love my family. 

I love my fans. 


Apart from acting, what other things do you do?

I am a movie producer. I also own real estate. I am a perfectionist; I always strive for perfection in everything I do. 


How was your growing up?

Growing up was beautiful. I am the first of four children, three boys and a girl. I was born into a strong Christian family. Growing up was basically about going to school, getting good grades, and going on countless family vacations. Life was great till we lost my dad when I was 18 in a terrible auto crash. 


What is the craziest thing a female fan or admirer has done to you?

Too many; from jumping on me in public to grabbing my ass, and some have even stolen kisses/pecks sometimes. Airports and malls are normally the craziest places when it comes to fan love. I never see any as crazy because they all come from a place of love, and I appreciate every single one of my fans. Without them, there is no me. 


Marriages, especially in Nollywood keep breaking up, rumour has that you are into baby mama thing. Can you clear the air on this?

I don’t do baby mamas. I am happily married with kids. 


What is your stand on divorce?

I have no problem with divorce. If two adults, who conscientiously agreed to be together decide that they don’t want to be together anymore, it is only right that they go their separate ways instead of living in toxicity. 


How do you safeguard your marriage?

I safeguard my marriage by keeping our married life private. Live and love privately. 


Can you buy or subscribe to the use of a sex toy by your wife due to your long absence from home?

I have no problem with that. I travel a lot anyway, so whatever keeps her happy, I’m down with that. 


What does sex mean to you?

It means procreation of life. It’s a way to show and express love. 


If you were to date anybody in the industry, who will that be?

At the moment, I have no one I desire. I have no favourites. 


Have you been sexually harassed by gay fans?

No, I have never been sexually harassed by any gay fan but some of them have offered me generous gifts, which I graciously turned down. I am grateful to all my fans, gay or straight. I don’t judge anyone by their sexual preferences.


How do you handle sexual urge when it hits you?

I play video games or practice my Spanish.


How do the roles you play in movies affect your day-to-day real life experiences?

It does affect me consciously and unconsciously. Sometimes after pretending to be someone else for so long, and for so many days and weeks, it is difficult to get out of it. But with experience and maturity, I have learned to strike a balance between actor DKD and the real DKD.