Monkeypox cases in Europe have tripled in the last two weeks, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said, as experts warn there should be “no complacency”.

There are now more than 4,500 monkeypox cases in 31 European countries, Dr Hans Henri Kluge, WHO regional director for Europe, said in a statement.

The WHO decided not to make monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) last week, but it still deems the risk from the virus to be “high”.

Europe, Dr Kluge says, is home to 90 per cent of the world’s monkeypox cases. The virus is thought to have spread en masse in May at a sauna in Madrid and other festivals in Europe.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said on Friday that there are now 1,235 cases in the UK, with just five women infected. London is the disease epicentre, with almost 700 infections. Most patients are between 31 and 43, with an average age of 37.

Soaring case numbers come as an NHS study in The Lancet shows that the current outbreak is unlike previous recorded instances of monkeypox, with people often having no symptoms before a rash appears.

Analysis of 54 infected men in London revealed that almost half had been intimate with five or more partners in the last three months; a quarter also had chlamydia or gonorrhoea; and all had lesions on their skin. The majority had sores in their genital region.

“The fact that a quarter of the patients tested positive for gonorrhoea or chlamydia at the same time as the monkeypox infection, suggests that transmission of the monkeypox virus in this cohort is occurring from close skin-to-skin, for example in the context of sexual activity,” says Dr Ruth Byrne, from the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

“It is possible that at various stages of the infection, monkeypox may mimic common STIs, such as herpes and syphilis, in its presentation.”

Since the outbreak of monkeypox began, doctors and officials have identified that most cases are gay men. Experts are concerned that Pride, which takes place on Saturday in London and is the marquee event in the LGBTQ calendar, could cause a surge in cases.

‘Don’t attend Pride with monkeypox symptoms’

Wendi Shepherd, monkeypox incident director at UKHSA, said: “The monkeypox outbreak continues to grow. Our investigations and information from confirmed cases continue to show that the overwhelming majority of cases are in gay, bisexual or other men who have sex with men.

“This weekend, let’s enjoy Pride safely – before you go to any events or parties, check yourself for blister-like spots and rashes.

“Please don’t attend if you have monkeypox symptoms or feel unwell. If you have a rash or blisters, stay at home, phone a sexual health clinic, and get tested. Please be vigilant for any monkeypox symptoms in the coming weeks – especially if you are having sex with someone new.”

Prof Kevin Fenton, London’s public health director, told BBC News: “If you think you may have monkeypox with blisters, fevers, swollen glands, please do not go out over the weekend.”

Prof Denis Kinane, professor of immunology at the University of Bern and Founding Scientist at Cignpost Diagnostics, told The Telegraph: “The gay community, particularly male gay community, has to be on the guard over the next three to six months until this thing dies down.

“You may want to treat it similar to the same precautions you would use for HIV, for example. One has to be careful with partners and one has to ask questions and do their best on that front.

“I think this is not a good time to be overly promiscuous with people you actually don’t know and I think the gay community are taking on board messages to be celibate as you can.”

The NHS is now pro-actively giving the monkeypox vaccine to high-risk gay men who often have sex with multiple partners, frequent sex clubs or have recently had another STI, in order to curb the outbreak.