World Gay News

Miriam Margolyes calls for a ‘Big Gay Donation’ for 2030 World Cup … – The Drum

Ahead of the World Cup final between France and Argentina on Sunday, the actress is featured in a short video to crowdfund a big gay “donation” to secure an LGBTQ+ friendly host country.

Big Gay Donation

Uncommon’s ad with actor Miriam Margolyes / Uncommon

In the spot, actress Miriam Margoyles hopes to persuade ‘the people that run football’ to accept a Big Gay “Donation” and host the tournament in an LGBTQ+ friendly country.

If they do not accept the “donation”, then the money raised will be given to the Stonewall charity. So far, £7k has been raised for the cause.

In the video, the actress, says: “Queer people across the globe love football — we just can’t support it like everyone else. We’ve seen how Qatar feels about us gays,”

“If that wasn’t a big enough kick in the tits, the 2030 World Cup could be given to another host nation that criminalizes LGBTQ+ people, judging by the countries currently bidding for it.”

The film was shot by award-winning director Oscar Carriss, alongside the creative agency Uncommon.

Liz Ward, director of programmes at Stonewall said: “All LGBTQ+ people deserve to live their lives to the full, to travel freely without fear, and to be part of global sporting events like the World Cup. LGBTQ+ rights are human rights, and we won’t stand for the persecution of LGBTQ+ people in Qatar, or anywhere else. Thank you to Miriam Margolyes and to everyone that is taking a stand for LGBTQ+ inclusion and freedom.”

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