World Gay News

Massachusetts Searches For Gay Superheroes Rocket After Senate Vote – Bleeding Cool News

Geek statistic site Average Being has stated that searches for “gay superheroes” skyrocketed on the 30th of November after the recent passing of the Respect For Marriage Act Bill in the US Senate, protecting same-gender marriages in the USA.

US Searches For Gay Superheroes

US Searches For Gay Superheroes

And no more than in Massachusetts, though Tennessee and Missouri were right behind.

Places Search Interest For Gay Superheroes
Massachusetts 100%
Tennessee 84%
Missouri 78%
North Carolina 50%
New York 45%
New Jersey 37%
Pennsylvania 21%
Texas 9%

Even Texas had a small bump. This comes as gay press has picked up on the DC Comics February 2022 solicits for Tim Drake: Robin #6 starring the recently realised bisexual Tim Drake, with his gay boyfriend and classic DC Comics character Bernard Dowd – with the ship name of TIMBER, with Pink News, Them.Us, and Advocate running stories in recent days.

US Searches For Gay Superheroes

US Searches For Gay Superheroes

(W) Meghan Fitzmartin (A/CA) Ricardo López Ortiz
THE FINAL SHOWDOWN! Tim Drake comes face-to-voice with the villain who’s been taunting Tim by using his metahuman powers to create ghostly animals. When this Moriarty’s identity is revealed, all hell breaks loose in the marina. Can Tim keep things afloat, while simultaneously dealing with his relationship with Bernard?
Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 2/28/2023

In July 2021, it was Bleeding Cool that broke the news that DC Comics was looking to define Tim Drake, the third Robin, as a young bisexual man. And in that August, that came to pass in Batman: Urban Legends #6, in a story written by Meghan Fitzmartin when Robin came out about his feelings for his longtime schoolfriend Bernard Dowd and him out on a date. Showing just how unplanned and un-thought through this was, Batman: Urban State #10 which follows up on that story, was published four months afterwards. But it also revealed the lack of communication within DC Comics, that Bleeding Cool previously covered.

Because the fact that Tim Drake was going to have a boyfriend was a surprise to as many inside the publisher as it was outside. It was especially notable to some higher-up folk at DC Editorial, who only found out after the comic in question had gone to print. The request was then politely made across departments that if anyone was going to do this kind of thing again, that was fine, but please let the folks upstairs know, so they could at least coordinate things. Especially, I don’t know, if they’d been planning for another character to be revealed as bisexual for some time…

Now, however, everyone is down with the programme. And Tim Drake gets his cover with Bernard Dowd.


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