side by side photo of man in white t-shirt skydiving out of a plane in Florida

A man in Florida has won the ‘most extra marriage proposal of all time’ award after literally hurtling himself out of a plane to pop the question.

Garo Kiledjian and his boyfriend Todd Jordan Tyler had planned to go skydiving in the Key West area of the state, but Kiledjian had a plan to make the jump one to remember.

He organised a big white banner with “Will you marry me?” printed across it to be laid out on the ground where the pair were due to land, accompanied by rose petals in the shape of a heart.

Kiledjian made sure that he landed first so that when Tyler got down, he could kneel to the ground, pull out a ring and say ‘marry me’. The answer, of course, was yes, and the pair want to get hitched in the next 18-24 months.

Sorry to break it to all the cynics out there, but it seems that love isn’t actually dead.

The couple captured the adorable moment on video and shared it on Instagram, with Tyler writing: “So this happened last Friday, and I couldn’t be happier. @garo.kile and I have known where are walking together for a long time and this was a step we were both ready for.”

In a post-proposal interview with Queerty, the couple explained that Tyler himself had actually planned to propose over the New Year.

“If you hear Todd laughing or saying ‘psycho’ in the background, it’s because he had a proposal set up too for our New Year’s trip to Paris. Photographer, videographer, location; everything already scheduled,” Kiledjian said.

“Poor guy didn’t know if he should be happy or disappointed that his plans were ruined… I beat him to the punch!”

Kiledjian, a chief operating officer at a research company, and Tyler, an interior designer, met in December 2019 at an LGBTQ+ event in South Beach, Miami. 

“We both had seen each other around Miami before, but on this date, there was a unique spark that glued us together. With the exception of travel for work, we have spent every day together since,” the couple said.

The couple explained how it wasn’t just the gravity-defying nature of their proposal that made the occasion special, having gotten engaged just as the Respect for Marriage Act was passed, protecting same-sex and interracial marriage rights. 

“Both of us are happy that some sanity has come back to protecting equality, not only for us as two men who want to marry but also for interracial couples,” the couple said.

“It will be a huge relief once the federal protection for same-sex marriage is signed into law.”