World Gay News

Make This “Warehouse 13” Reboot Gay or Don’t Make It at All –

Well, my cat just tried to steal a piece of cheese from INSIDE MY MOUTH. Hope your Monday is going good too! Here’s your first Pop Culture Fix of the week!

+ Apparently at DragonCon last week, there was serious talk of a Warehouse 13 reboot. Eddie McClintock, who you might remember as Pete,  says he’s actively pursing the reboot with creator and showrunner Jack Kenny, who you might remember as the world’s number one Pete and Myka shipper. Anyway, I am not opposed to a reboot, but if Myka Bering and Helena G. Wells are not in it, and together, I’m not interested! And probably they would be, right? McClintock is even on record saying he thinks they ended up together. Looks like there’s a marathon on Syfy next weekend if you’re interested in hyping it up on your socials.

+ The Las Vegas Aces won their first WNBA championship yesterday, and queer star Chelsea Gray was named the the Finals MVP after a record-breaking performance!

+ Mel C is glad everyone thought she was a lesbian, actually.

+ Five anime school uniforms we’d rock in real life.

+ How A League of Their Own explores the experiences of Black women in baseball.

+ One time Ellen said out loud on national TV that Rosie O’Donnell wasn’t her friend, and it hurt her feelings, and she never got over it and never went onto Ellen’s show because of it.

+ This piece from Adam Serwer over at the Atlantic called Fear of a Black Hobbit is one of the best things I read last week.

Although this may seem like an utterly silly and superficial dispute, representation shapes how people think of themselves and others, for good or for ill. And beneath the culture war nonsense are real questions not just of representation but of labor, of who gets to make a living in the entertainment industry as an artist or creator. These controversies and harassment campaigns seek to narrow not just the industry’s imagination, but also who can get paid to do this kind of work. People enraged by Black actors playing elves or mermaids are not any happier about Black writers or directors.

+ Why Jamie Babbit will always be a queer icon.

+ Queer people deserve trashy pop culture too.

+ Ginger Gonzaga says there’s more coming up on She-Hulk about Nikki’s bisexuality.


+ The trans Joker movie is a sight to see. Too bad it might never be seen again.

+ The faces that look back at us when we come out, again and again. This is an amazing multimedia piece by the NYT. Definitely click and scroll through if you have time!

+ Monét X Change, Ginger Minj, Jujubee, and more join Hulu’s Huluween Dragstravaganza Halloween special.

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