Majority of Gays Are Possessed by Ghosts, So-Called Study Says

Sugar, spice, and … ghostly possession? Those are ingredients that make up a huge chunk of the LGBTQ+ population, if one absurd “research study” is to be believed.

According to a bizarre article published on the Spiritual Science Research Foundation‘s website (which at the time of writing has since been taken down), an overwhelming majority of gay people are, apparently, possessed by some form of ghostly spirits — 85 percent, to be exact — and these spirits are the driving force behind our gayness.

“The main reason behind the gay orientation of some men is that they are possessed by female ghosts, and the female ghost in them is attracted to other men,” the Spiritual Science Research Foundation wrote in its sham study, as reported by PinkNews

But if you thought possession was limited to men, think again! Lesbians also experience possession, but from male ghosts, which explains their attraction to women, the foundation says. 

It gets even worse from there. 

According to PinkNews, the article also claims that queer people are more prone to “murderous” thoughts, parading around naked with each other, and using “bad words,” because the ghouls that possess them make them “more susceptible to being influenced by negative energies, which give them thoughts to encourage them to display their homosexuality in a shameless and even aggressive manner.” 

Symptoms of demonic possession apparently include “low energy levels, bouts of depression, financial loss, and impulsive behavior.”

Halloween is right around the corner, but the fact that harmful (and absolutely bonkers!) sentiments like these about queer people are still floating around the internet in this day and age is way scarier to us than any ghost or demon could ever be.