
Maggie Rose, Itchy-O, Desert Dwellers Play Denver This Weekend – Westword


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Nashville singer Maggie Rose plays two shows at Cervantes’ Masterpiece Ballroom tonight, while Saint Nomad continues its three-night run at Globe Hall. Also on tap this weekend are two nights of Desert Dwellers at the Boulder Theater, and Itchy-O continues its weekly Noise Bath interactive streaming series.

Here’s what’s happening in and around town (and online) this weekend:

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Ben Markley Quintet
Fridays in April, 6:30 and 9 p.m.
Nocturne, 1330 27th Street

As part of “Explorations of the Journey,” pianist Ben Markley curates a collection of compositions that marks a new chapter in his music development, including originals and works by Herbie Hancock, Ari Hoenig and John Scofield.

Maggie Rose & Them Vibes
Friday, April 16, 6:45 & 9:45 p.m.
Cervantes’ Masterpiece Ballroom, 2635 Welton Street

Nashville-based rock-and-soul singer-songwriter Maggie Rose will be joined by local trumpeter Gabe Mervine and saxophonist Nicholas Gerlach for two sets. The late show will be available to livestream via Mandolin with a portion of ticket proceeds benefiting Sweet Relief.

Saint Nomad
Friday, April 16, and Saturday, April 17
Globe Hall, 4483 Logan Street

Saint Nomad, the alt-pop band of brothers who were born in Russia and raised in America, continues a three-night stand at Globe Hall this weekend.

Summit Musicians Relief Fund Cares Concert Series
Ongoing through June, 6 p.m.

The SMRF Cares Concert Series pays local musicians to perform at the Silverthorne Performing Arts Center in front of a small audience. Each concert is recorded, and the video is released on the organization’s YouTube channel.

Turkeyfoot Trio
Friday, April 16, 6 p.m.
Number Thirty Eight, 3560 Chestnut Place

While local bluegrass act Turkeyfoot usually plays as a quintet, it will be in a trio format tonight.

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Asia Fajardo-Diamond
Saturday, April 17, 11 a.m.

Denver composer/saxophonist Asia Fajardo-Diamond celebrates the release of her new EP, Hummingbird’s Grandchildren, with a livestream and a community discussion led by Yuzo Nieto, co-founder and chief executive arts director of Radical Arts Academy of Denver.

Cabaret Karaoke: Cooped-Up Edition
Saturday, April 17, 5 p.m.

The Rocky Mountain Arts Association board’s annual fundraiser includes singers from the Denver Gay Men’s Chorus and the Denver Women’s Chorus. The event includes a silent auction, as well as “cooped-up” musical selections, karaoke-style, complete with lyrics for the at-home audience.

Desert Dwellers
Saturday, April 17, and Sunday, April 18, 7 and 9:30 p.m.
Boulder Theater, 2032 14th Street, Boulder

Electronica duo Desert Dwellers plays deep tribal and deep tech sets on Friday and yoga dub and psy chill sets on Sunday.

Jeff Jenkins
Saturday, April 17, 7 p.m.

Denver jazz pianist Jeff Jenkins presents “Closer to Home: The Music of Lyle Mays,” a livestream from Muse Performance Space.

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Graham Good & the Painters
Sunday, April 18, 7 p.m.
Local rock and funk band Graham Good & the Painters performs at a digital live concert experience from the Armory Denver. 

Itchy-O’s Noise Bath Series
Sundays through May 16, 5:55 p.m.

The 57-piece avant-garde group Itchy-O presents its Noise Bath interactive streaming series, which runs Sundays through May 16.

Vlad Girshevich Trio Honors Chick Corea and Keith Jarrett
Sundays in April, 6:30 and 8 p.m.
Nocturne, 1330 27th Street
Vlad Girshevich and his trio pay homage to fellow jazz pianists Chick Corea, who died in February, and Keith Jarrett, Sundays in April.

Find more music events in the Westword concert calendar. Organizing a concert you’d like to be considered for this list? Send information to

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