In today’s hectic world, nightclubs, pubs, and discotheques have become a center of attraction for youngsters by connecting themselves with like-minded people, offering them various nightclubbing experiences.  It is the ultimate place for those who have thick wallets, especially after long tiring days and during the weekends. 

The variety of genre of music, decor, LED floor, unique lighting system, never-ending delicious cuisine, and a long list of beverages makes them favorite hot spots thronged mainly by the younger people. 

Some of these pubs and discos are also known for their poolside view, spectacular rooftop view, loud DJ, and performance by national and international artists, making them a perfect hangout place for friends and beloved ones. 

Staple Of Lexington LGBTQ Community Shutting Down

However, with the COVID-19 pandemic, heavy taxes being imposed on alcohol and other breweries, and the rising concern among the people about various health issues, rising energy costs have led to a sharp decline in pubs and nightclubs all over the world, which has also resulted due to the rising cost of goods and labor.

LGBTQ Community Hangout In Lexington Shutting Down

Newer and newer technologies are emerging each day, coupled with new OTT platforms, and are adding more to the decline as people are now reluctant to go out of their homes and instead enjoy the day with their close and dear friends.  They prefer partying at home. The threat is more for smaller pubs or pubs of special communities such as the LGBTQ community. 

LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer, meaning essentially an individual who is neither a man nor a woman.  The rising social discrimination and criticism have mandated a separate group for such individuals from the straight group.  They have separate gay villages, and separate LGBTQ groups in schools, colleges, and workplaces.  They even have separate gay clubs and gay bars.

One such 13-year-old LGBTQ bar and nightclub in Lexington, Soundbar, is on the verge of shutting down soon.  Owners say that the shutdown is for good and the space will be available for rent to host private parties.  While they are thankful to the entire team and those who supported them, they did not mention the exact reason for such a shutdown.

The shutdown of LGBTQ bars and night club will certainly make a huge impact on the members of the club as well as on the staff working there. The club members who had the opportunity to enjoy a drink with their like-minded partners after a busy day schedule have to find some other destination. The mode of spending ideal time with their partners will come to an end with the sudden decision of closing of bar and nightclub. On the other hand, staff who earned their daily wages to run their family from the nightclub will go jobless at the end of the day. The sudden closure of the nightclub may bring new avenues of revenue for the owners but will certainly disturb the social life of the LGBTQ community. The proposal of renting the place for hosting private parties will undoubtedly be an uncomfortable choice for the LGBTQ community who feel discriminated against in all spheres of life and feel targeted for their gender biases. 

The Covid crisis and its aftereffects would have compelled the owners to take such a decision. Still, simultaneously, the contribution of the LGBTQ community to the club should not be ignored. The very same LGBTQ community members had made their nightclubs and bar flourish before the pandemic and helped the nightclubs earn revenue day after day.  These days of crisis will never last long if the tough times are fought together with the members of the club.