Letters to the editor present the opinions of readers on news stories and other pieces published by The Sun.

Unforeseen effects

Taylor Simmons’ column in last Sunday’s Issues section credits the City Commission’s vote to end single-family zoning with slowing rising home prices and increasing affordability for renters, preserving the character of single-family neighborhoods, tempering gentrification, slowing urban sprawl, saving the trees, slowing climate change and increasing walking and biking, which are good for our health.

Signs from an Aug. 4 protest at City Hall during the Gainesville City Commission meeting about eliminating single-family zoning throughout Gainesville.

No one can argue (and almost no one has argued) with these lofty goals, although Simmons, like the City Commission, doesn’t communicate how their plan, as opposed to the plans put forth by experts in the field, will accomplish these goals and not lead to the problems those who oppose their plan fear. Most importantly, we the citizens pleaded for a more incremental plan so that we could change course if it turned out to be the wrong direction.  

The latest big, new ideas that are hastily implemented can have unforeseen effects. Experience should make us cautious when experimenting with our city.   

Jeanne Galligan, Gainesville

More letters:

How should classified documents be handled? Readers give their views on this, more

Panic at Buchholz game showed ‘what has become normal for our schoolchildren’

Was Biden wrong to cancel student loan debt? Read letters on this and other issues

Medical decisions 

I was a small-town general practitioner back in 1960 when one of my patients presented with severe vaginal bleeding. She was pregnant and losing blood faster than I could put it in.

We had no ultrasound to tell us if her fetus was alive or dead, but she was likely to die if I didn’t stop her bleeding. The only way to stop her bleeding was to get the fetus out of her uterus. I booked her for an emergency D&C (dilation and curettage procedure). 

My first sweep with the curette produced a baby’s hand. I was destroying a baby but knew I had to if the mother was to survive. It made no difference if the baby was alive or dead; I was going to kill it. What politician could tell me whether to proceed or not; it had to be done!

Politicians have no business making decisions about the practice of medicine. They know nothing about it!

William A Cumming, M.D., Gainesville 

Childish rhetoric                 

The recent attack by Marco Rubio calling Democrats “left-wing lunatics” and “Marxist misfits” is not only shameful, but childish.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., speaks during a Senate hearing on Sept. 14.

I remember once being told religion was not a cafeteria; one cannot choose to adhere to one thing and ignore another. The same is true of politics — we need to follow all the goals set for us in the Constitution and the rule of law, not just the ones we like.  

Either way there is no excuse for the “I am better than you, no you’re not, yes I am” childhood rhetoric. Both parties are made up of American citizens whose families and their future are of primary concern. That being the case, why can’t they get together as the founders envisioned and compromise ethically and with respect?

We do not need to destroy our government intelligence services, our government science groups or our free elections in order to change. We can give a little and get a little — and respect the opinions of others, even if we disagree with them.  

The general population just wants our leaders to work it out while maintaining our personal freedoms, our freedom of speech and our freedom to elect our government. Is that too much to ask?

June Girard, Gainesville 

‘Don’t Say Gay’ consequences 

I recently finished reading Katy Tur’s book, “Rough Draft.” Katy’s dad is now a trans woman, but by mutual consent, she still calls her “Dad.” Of the six members of Katy’s and her husband’s immediate family, Katy is the only one who knows her dad, but she hopes the remaining five will one day meet her. 

So I asked myself, what would likely happen if Katy’s and her husband’s two youngest children were enrolled in Florida’s public school system and meet their maternal granddad before they enter the fourth grade? Then I wondered what might happen if the two children reveal during “show and tell” that they just met their maternal granddad for the first time, think she’s beautiful and love her very much?   

After loudly gasping, what choice would their teachers then have other than to immediately escort both children to the principal’s office for having violated the DeSantis “Don’t Say Gay” law by daring to mention matters pertaining to gender identity or expression in the classroom?   

And how would both children feel from being told they broke the law, not to mention their embarrassment and tears out of fear as to what the consequences to them might be for having done nothing, other than to share with their classmates and teachers the experience of meeting their maternal granddad for the first time?   

The above questions should be considered by all Florida voters before they decide who Florida’s next governor will be.

Marc Wilson, Gainesville 

Thought-provoking idea   

In 1969, the Ad Council, a non-profit educational group, designed a very thought-provoking poster. The poster showed a “pregnant man” with the caption: “Would you be more careful if it was you that got pregnant.” I thought of this poster recently as the rights of women to control their own body has been severely threatened by the Supreme Court decision to get rid of Roe v. Wade, which had been the law of the land for decades.

Now, imagine if men were the ones who got pregnant. There would be no anti-abortion laws on the books and likely never would be unless they would have exceptions for rape, incest or almost any other excuse/reason that men could come up with.      

Imagine again if women were the ones who made the state laws and had a “liberal” majority in the Supreme Court. No law would be passed that would limit in any way what women could do with their own health decisions. I surmise that these women would provide men with exceptions for stopping their pregnancies. After all, who are they to limit the gender who are the only ones who get pregnant?  

As a society, we should not limit the rights of women to control their own bodies as I believe women will be the ones who make the critical decisions that will save our planet.

Jonathan Coron, Gainesville

Dysfunctional media 

The mainstream news media is, in a word, dysfunctional.  This needs to change when the current administration is struggling and we, the people, are suffering. 

To start with, we have lost our energy independence, a national defense requirement in a world with savage enemies. We are also saddled with a government that has an unrealistic green agenda with massive spending, a woke mentality, lenient bail policies, unsafe streets, degraded police support, record inflation and open borders. The mainstream media encourages this behavior by burying the news or altering it in a biased way to support their own agenda that mirrors the administration.

As an example, so far this year we have had a record 2 million illegal immigrant crossing the border, an estimated 1 million who “got away” and enough fentanyl to kill much of the population. If you listen to the evening news, you will hear not a word.  

In a free society you need a fair and factual news media to keep informed so you can respond and guide our country in the right direction. The mainstream media has failed us.  

Ernie Taylor, Gainesville 

Being a patriot 

Jan. 6 was a day of infamy for the country. People who stormed and vandalized the Capitol cannot be considered patriots. However, the White House staff members who quit that day in reaction to the handling of the insurrection were patriots.

Trump supporters try to break through a police barrier at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Jan. 6.

Being a patriot means taking a stand on behalf of the country and its principles and not being subservient to party politics. Those staff members recognized that the inaction of the former president was detrimental not only to the peaceful transfer of power, but the underpinnings of our democratic institutions.   

Never take democracy for granted. Too many of us have been lackadaisical and disinterested in the political process. Cherish the ability to vote as it is a right and a civic duty. Every vote does matter and makes a difference. Encourage your friends and family to vote. Offer to take people to the polls on Election Day or during early voting. Work at the polls to ensure that we are maintaining equitable procedures to vote. 

It’s understandable to be disenchanted and despondent regarding the Jan. 6 insurrection. It’s even more crucial that we perform the necessary work as well as vote so that we don’t go through this again.

Carolyn Hanson, Gainesville

Beneficial diet 

Obesity, or having an excessively unhealthy weight, has a growing prevalence in America with 41.9% of the general population being considered obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many chronic health conditions are associated with obesity: including heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea and COVID-19. 

While there are several factors that contribute to obesity, it was well known that lifestyle (e.g. diet and physical activity) play a major role in one’s health and weight. Weight loss can be challenging, especially with so many diets coming in and out of trend. How we eat is vital to losing some extra pounds and our diet, combined with a few lifestyle adjustments, can help with that change. 

We recommend considering adopting the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes reducing red meat; adding more fish, vegetables and fruits; and replacing fats with olive oil. The diet also requires increasing day-to-day exercise by taking walks and incorporating exercise into your routine wherever you can. The Mediterranean diet not only helps with weight loss but has been shown to decrease the risk of associated diseases! 

As with all health care treatments, we advise visiting your primary care physician before implementing any new changes to your diet or health plan. 

Joel Goeckeritz, Caroline Sachse and William Waples, Gainesville 

Sun protection awareness   

Floridians are at an especially high risk for sun-related health conditions such as skin cancers and various eye diseases. In fact, Florida is second only to California in the number of new melanoma cases per year. Additionally, while fair-skinned people are at an increased risk for UV-related skin cancer, people of all skin tones should take measures to protect against sun damage.  

The CDC and other reputable sources provide the following protective guidelines to help people safely enjoy the sunny summer weather. First, try to avoid sun exposure by staying in the shade, wearing a hat, or covering skin with clothing. To maximize skin protection, keep clothes dry and wear hats made with tightly-woven materials. UVA/UVB rays are strongest in the late morning and afternoon, so take extra precautions when outside at these times. When in direct sunlight, make sure to apply sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least 15, and reapply every two hours or anytime your skin gets wet.    

We strongly encourage public health officials to recognize the dangers of sun damage and raise awareness of its preventability.    

Gabrielle Dallas and Madison Dallas, Gainesville 

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