Jim McGuire is an alumnus of River Valley High School in Marion County, Ohio. He sparked public outcry when he encouraged graduates to pursue relationships between a man and a woman in his speech at the district's graduation as the alumni speaker Friday.

God’s word and laws discarded 

Thank you to the River Valley High School graduation speaker (from Marion County) who had the courage to encourage the graduates to obey God’s word and enter into heterosexual relationships in their lives. (Marion Star, June 3, “Anti-gay commencement speech sparks outrage“; June 4, “McGuire refuses to resign from DD board after anti-gay speech“; June 8, “River Valley not apologizing for anti-gay speech made at graduation ceremony“)

More:‘ I felt like crying.’ River Valley alumni’s anti-gay commencement speech sparks outrage

I read the speech online. It didn’t bash gays, it wasn’t rude or offensive. The man merely asked the graduates to place God first in their lives and urged the graduates to obey His word.

This is becoming a freedom of speech issue where religious freedom is also at stake.  This man had an absolute right to express his personal viewpoints to the graduates, and the graduates and guests should have had the maturity to sit and listen to his point of view.

More:Opinion: ‘Religious freedom’ should not justify intolerance

Jeff Koterba - Gas Prices and Midterms

It’s becoming very sad and offensive in America that the word of God and God’s laws are discarded by an overly vocal minority, and that the majority of us can’t exercise our freedom of speech and freedom of religion for fear of offending loud and obnoxious special interest groups.

Any act of disagreement with wacky political correctness has suddenly become hate speech and can’t be tolerated by these obnoxious special-interest groups.

As Acts 5:29 says, “We ought to obey God rather than men.”

Ray Eichenberger, Reynoldsburg

Dave Granlund - Jan 6 Hearings

Tired of being tolerated

Goodbye, Ohio.

After 12 years, it’s time for us to break up. It’s clear you don’t love me. You tolerate me. You’re interested in my taxes, my disposable income, and my complacency.

It’s become clear you’re ashamed that I’m gay. You don’t want my Black children to learn the truth about history. You’d prefer my daughter grow up believing others can control her own body’s autonomy. And you want to force me into becoming an image of yourself. If I don’t worship like you, look like you, or believe in what you do, then I am lesser.

More:Porteous: Ohio wants to erase me from my daughter’s mind, memory and classroom |Opinion

No amount of billboards placed across the country will bring people to Ohio. Your actions, your laws, and your blatant efforts to lawlessly keep control of the state legislature are your truth.

Ohio has become a state where political signs are no longer just another show of support for a candidate, but identification of safe spaces for those being harassed or followed. You have become a state where my views are no longer seen as worthy or valid but used as reasons to show aggression and intolerance.

And that is why I am leaving. I have the privilege to leave when so many don’t. And for years, I have worked to help grow a welcoming, more tolerant Ohio. But I’m tired. And I will no longer tolerate being told I’m a valuable member of the family when your fingers are crossed behind your back.

I wish you luck, but I fear you’re more in love with yourself and unable to commit to anyone that is different from you. And I deserve better. We all do.

Andrew Kohn, Columbus

Letters to the Editor

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Local GOP lost their party but not their minds

In his primary campaign for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate, Matt Dolan, a state senator from the Cleveland area, won in Franklin County with a plurality of the votes. Dolan was the only one of the seven Republican candidates who did not support former President Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was stolen. Republicans in Franklin County may have lost their party, but they’ve not lost their minds.

State Sen. Matt Dolan (R-Chagrin Falls)

More:Donald Trump and allies are rerunning the election Big Lie. They could incite violence again.

On the other hand, I’m disappointed the Franklin County Democratic Party and elected officials in Columbus refused to allow city residents to have true representation by districts on City Council. In response to public pressure, elected officials in 2018 put on the ballot a plan to create nine districts.

Dave Granlund - Jan 6 Hearings

More:In Black and White: What will be the impact of Columbus’ new city council districts?

Under the plan, candidates for City Council would have to reside in the districts they wish to represent, but the kicker is they would be elected on a citywide ballot. In a heavily Democratic-leaning city, the result is that Democratic party officials would maintain tight control of local government and deny Republicans even nominal representation.

More:Columbus council approves member district map, $5.75M police settlement, OSU tax incentive

In 2018, voters approved the only option they were given, but I suspect many folks didn’t understand that the candidates in each district would be elected citywide. Election of City Council members under this plan will start in 2023.

The map that the city has proposed to divide up city council districts

Democracy is better served with competitive elections at the federal, state and local levels. Residents in each City Council district should have the right to elect their own representation. If a few Republicans win council seats, then we’re likely to have more debate and transparency in city government and maybe some fresh ideas. It might even attract more people to vote and engage in civic life.

Stephen A. Sterrett, Columbus

Jeff Koterba - Gas Prices and Midterms

Former judge displays courage

Ronald Solove in his June 8 letter, “Gary Tyack lacks leadership” called for Prosecutor Gary Tyack to step down from his position. In taking this public position and response, former Judge Ronald Solove displayed rare character and dignity. 

More:Departure of dozens from Franklin County Prosecutor’s office raises ‘brain drain’ concerns

It is easier to grumble in silence and it takes a real mensch like Ronald Solove to say out loud what he believes. Columbus needs more public figures like Judge Solove to display courage and honor.

Michael N. Oser, Columbus