
LETTERS: Halifax Public Libraries is right to resist ‘book police’ | Saltwire – SaltWire Network

As a gay man, published author, and television personality, for lack of a better term, I support the decision by the Halifax Public Libraries not to resort to censorship over the contentious book, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. 

There have been plenty of books in my lifetime that have angered me, frightened me, and insulted me, yet I must defend their right to an opinion or scientific theory that clashes with my view of the world. 

If I disagree with an idea that I feel strongly is wrong, then I use facts and science to discredit or at least shine a different light on a contentious issue. I do not resort to childish displays that accomplish nothing.

Abigail Shrier puts forth a position that is backed up by science and is a reasonable assessment of what is called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. I do not know if she is right because political ideology has hindered research in this area and the truth is still clouded, but she could very well be. 

If anyone thinks her evidence for this position is junk science, then they should use their scientific evidence to refute Shrier’s theory. They can publish a rebuttal, hold talks and use social media to refute the contentions in the book with their evidence, if they can.

That is the mature way to debate a controversial issue. There was only one time that I personally thought a book should be censored. It was a book written by an author from Halifax that was a very thinly disguised pro-pedophilia propaganda exercise. Realizing this, I spoke to the library and did NOT tell them to censor it, but instead, due to its controversial and what I thought was disgusting and possibly dangerous material, I suggested it should be put in the restricted area rather than out on the shelves. 

I was not happy with my proposal, but to censor it would endanger my right to publish contentious or politically unfashionable material, should I wish. It was the right thing to do. Once the “book police” reign supreme over truth or possible truths, then we all suffer. 

Darryll B.D. Walsh, Halifax

Humanist principle

Re: “LGBTQ2+ should be consulted during Halifax Public Libraries’ book selection, woman says” (June 2 story).

It’s time for the management of the Halifax Public Libraries (HPL) to heed the advice of Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536), one of the founders of modern humanism, of which the HPL is a shining manifestation. 

As a champion of the classical literature of Greece and Rome, Erasmus praised what he termed “good literature,” i.e., only the kind of classical literature which, in one way or another, affirmed the dignity, creativity and other positive virtues of humankind. Educators — including librarians — from that day to this have, at their best, adhered to this fundamental principle, which has nothing to do with censorship. HPL staff should respect this humanist principle and remove the book by Abigail Shrier which is so offensive and hurtful to the LGTBQ2+ community.

Scott Burbidge, Port Williams

Refreshing change

Kudos to Halifax Public Libraries for their recent decision — amid protest — to continue carrying the book Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier. I have not read this book and currently have no plans to do so, but that is entirely beside the point.

The point is public and publicly funded institutions cannot be dictated to or held hostage by activists (no matter how well-intentioned they may be or claim to be). These institutions belong to us all, and, as such, must work to reflect the needs, wants, and — in this case — intellectual curiosities of everyone (not just the vocal few). 

Libraries are full of books that offend people for one reason or another. But as they say in the tech world, this is a feature, not a bug. Literature is intended to push the boundaries of thought (sometimes to an extreme degree) so that, in the end, the best ideas are left standing.

We are not accustomed to institutions standing up against the outrage mob (they usually opt for the path of least resistance) and so this is a very welcome change. Well done.

Joel Stoddart, Kentville

Where does it end?

I fully support the position of Halifax Public Libraries in not removing a book from circulation after being pressured to do so by the 2SLGBTQ+ community (June 2 story). 

It’s about freedom of expression. Banning books at the behest of interest groups is a slippery slope. The position of the 2SLGNTQ+ organization is unreasonable — why not ban the Bible, the Torah and the Qu’ran from the library, as parts of those texts are interpreted as being homophobic?

It is a public library. What is next — book burnings with torch parades?

Michael Owen, Dartmouth