Published: 10/14/2021 7:00:09 AM
Recently the House Criminal Justice committee passed HB 238, also known as the “Gay Panic Defense Ban,” 7 months after the committee’s work on it came to an abrupt halt following a member’s derogatory reference to LGBTQ+ Granite Staters as “sexual deviants.” This bill would prevent someone from using a person’s gender identity, actual or perceived gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation as an excuse for murder while still retaining existing self-defense statute and recognizing due process. This legislation would be proactive in protecting individual rights by barring this defense, as has been done in 12 other states and DC.
Nationally, 1 out of 5 hate crimes are committed against LGBTQ+ people. To put this in context, 5% of Granite Staters identify as LGBTQ+, the equivalent of 60,000 people. This is not a small constituency. Our state values personal freedom, and our state also ranks very high in protecting LGBTQ+ rights. I’ve heard from people who have friends or family members who are gay and have seen this defense play out in another state and don’t want to see the same happen here. This legislation will be correcting an oversight that is needed to grant Granite Staters the security that this cannot be used against them and their loved ones. LGBTQ+ people in NH deserve dignity and protection in statute. Contact your state representative and tell them to vote “ought to pass” on HB 238 when it comes before the House this January.
Josh Query