
Letter: Is God punishing us for turning away from him? – Hickory Daily Record


First of all, I’m not a college graduate, professor or scientist. I am just simple me trying to make sense of some of our elected officials. Let me say I’m fully vaccinated of my own choosing not by force. I understand the theory of wanting people to get vaccinated but I feel bribery and force is wrong. If some of you feel that it’s not a personal choice then consider this.

I try to have respect for the office of the President regardless of who occupies the office. I hear our POTUS, Harris, good old Bernie, Roy and others constantly saying follow the science, it saves lives. No I’m not against the shot. To me this relates to something else. Some won’t like the content but as a Christian I feel the need to share my view of current events.

I hear and read where women are so upset about the rulings in some states about new abortion laws, saying it’s our bodies and it’s our choice to choose what is best for me. Do you see the resemblance? I feel sure some who criticize the non-vaccinated are the same ones screaming about the new laws. Our Democrat administration is 100% for abortion rights. The difference is adults can say yes or no regarding the vaccine. The unborn has no say. This administration says follow the science, get vaccinated, save lives! Meanwhile supporting the murder of unborn babies who cannot say yes or no for themselves.

I know some will not like my letter but abortion is murder. If you say not so then follow the science!

Surely you would agree that a heartbeat reveals life born or unborn regardless of species. Thousands of unborn babies are murdered each year and now nobody knows why births rates are down. It`s not rocket science to figure out. Oh the smart people running this country. As you say. It’s a personal choice to vaccinate or not.

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I’m a US Army veteran having served in Vietnam ’67-’68, and I’m glad I live in the greatest country on earth and proud of it. My gripe is as follows. And no I’m not claiming to be perfect.

At different times I hear the phrase God bless America. My question is why should he? I urge you to take a serious look at what we’ve become. I won’t try and can’t name all that’s wrong with our nation. As I understand this nation was founded on Christian principles.

We have turned away from his word and become wolves in sheep clothing. With abortion, gay rights, murder, infidelity and many more has anybody but me got the feeling that God is punishing us for turning away from him. In the Old Testament, God repeatedly punished his people for turning a blind eye to his commands. Has anyone else considered all the disasters COVID-19 ,fires, floods, storms and etc. not being because of climate change, but that God is punishing us for turning away from him?

Wake up people and don`t be swayed by crooked judges and politicians that things mentioned above are OK. Read your Bibles and you will see the deceit that this administration is OK with.

Not trying to force anything on you. If you disagree, it’s your choice.

Charles Poovey