As a first-time canvasser but life-long pro-women, pro-gay, and pro-science voter, I was a little concerned about knocking on doors for Representative Lesser in a very conservative district. All I can say is, thank you to District 10 voters: Republican, Democrat, Undeclared and Independent. Reproductive choice was THE topic on everyone’s mind, encouraged by Dr. Lesser’s career as an OBGYN. Retired conservative men joined their wives to voice concerns about the denial of this human right, expressing fear for themselves and their daughters. Not one voter with whom I spoke wants politicians to make treatment decisions for the life-threatening conditions many face during pregnancy. Nor do they want those politicians involved in family planning. Rather, I felt simmering outrage from voters, no matter their party affiliation, towards state leaders who are working to criminalize women and girls. District 10 voters showed me how sophisticated, compassionate, and evolved they are when it comes to selecting their leaders. They want experts at the table when laws are being written that profoundly impact the lives and well-being of women and their families. Dr. Lesser is that expert for this issue.
Angela Tarbet