
LETTER: Are we crazy? – Park Rapids Enterprise

For the average American, life today subjects us to a wide gap between statistical reality and our perception (feelings) of reality. A recent YouGov poll asked us to estimate the numbers in subgroups of America. Here are just three of those comparisons:

  • What percentage of the country is black? The average answer was 41%, the statistical answer is 12%.
  • What percentage of Americans are transgender? The average answer was 22%, the statistical answer is less than 1%.
  • What percentage of Americans are gay? The average answer was 30%, the statistical answer is 3%.

How could we be so far off? We are constantly manipulated and misled by the entertainment industry, government and various media groups to come to the conclusions they want us to arrive at.
How do they pull this off? Think of TV shows. They heavily favor a larger percentage of these groups in an effort to have us think that’s normal. It’s really clever misinformation, and it works. How often do you read 12% of Americans are black or 3% are gay? They talk in generalities, not solid numbers.

I would like to hear those promoting green energy that climate change is supported not by feeling but statistical proof that can support their prophecies.

So, what are some of these misinformation narratives? The borders are closed. We might believe that if we were blind and stupid. But since most of us aren’t, that’s a really tough sell.

But what about something like climate change (changed from global warming since that wasn’t happening)? Is there misinformation about the fate of our planet being fed to us by our government? All of the predictions that had a timeline have failed to be true. Most of these predictions (let’s call them prophecies) can’t be verified since we simply don’t know what effect all of these theories will have on our global temperature.


I recently read that if every country on earth enacted the policies of the Paris Accords it would over time reduce our global temperature by only a fraction of 1%. Is that accurate? We’ll never know since there aren’t enough trace elements in the world to do something like that or the will of all countries to attempt such an endeavor.

I’m not even close to being an expert on all of this, but thousands of experts say we can’t control the earth’s climate in a meaningful way. It’s hard for us to listen to what they have to say since media, government and others in the climate change camp suppress their voices.

Why is that happening is a mystery to me, since on something so important we should be having a very honest and vigorous debate to try to understand what if anything should be done.

What I do know, if we do what we are told we must do, it will cost hundreds of trillions of dollars. Millions of average people will have their standard of living and freedoms decreased, millions of people will starve and those wealthy people that have invested heavily in green energy will become even richer and more powerful.

Are we crazy? We don’t even know if any of this will change our climate in a meaningful way. Let’s find out what might work before we plunge our world into chaos.