To me, October is the sexiest month.

I had my first kiss in the fall of my sophomore year of high school. A few Halloweens after that, I played spin the bottle and kissed my then crush and someone else that would eventually become my girlfriend on the same night. So, it’s no surprise to me that when the air turns crisp every year I get nostalgic and remember how important everything seemed to be back then. October always evokes that feeling of mess in me.

Since then my prefrontal cortex has — I think — aged to a nice ripeness. But Halloween still feels a bit different than it used to when I was a kid. Instead of adolescent tension and my parent’s favorite liquor, these days I enjoy going to a party or show, taking a fun little something, dancing in a gay little costume, and going home to my own skincare routine and bed. Love shaking my ass and then getting into bed at a reasonable time. Must be my Taurus rising.

Anyways, if you’re planning on throwing a messy little gay Halloween party this month or need something to put on your speakers while you hook up with that person dressed in that sexy A League of Their Own costume, allow me to present my gay little Halloween playlist.

I spent a lot of time choosing the correct song to start the playlist off, so please enjoy “UCKERS” by Shygirl to get you in a partying mood — nothing says gay party to me more than a little Shygirl to whet the palette. I’ve also thrown in some classic throwbacks, a few of my favorite house tracks, some moderately festive songs, and other songs I’d want to hear at a party. Basically just songs that I think I would enjoy whilst being drunk at a party.

Here Are 100 Songs From Me to You — Curated to Make You Feel Hot and Festive

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