
Lebanese Researcher Ali Fadlallah: The West Is Weak and Reliant on Technology, While Muslim Fighters Are Strong, Motivated; It’s Good That Tel Aviv Is the Gay Capital of the World – Gays and Perverts Have No Fighting Spirit – Middle East Media Research Institute

Lebanese researcher Ali Fadlallah said in an October 12, 2022 show on Al-Masirah TV (Houthis-Yemen), that Western armies are no longer capable of “face-to-face combat,” are reliant on technology, and lack fighting spirit. He said that in contrast, the Muslims have strong and motivated fighters, and he explained that Islam is a “strong, integrated, and ideological religion” whose fighters cannot be defeated. In addition, he said that it is “good news” that Tel Aviv is the gay capital of the world, because homosexuals and “perverts” do not have the will to fight and sacrifice. Moreover, Fadlallah said that it is “well-known” who is behind the porn and prostitution industries, but that people do not speak about this because they are scared of being called antisemitic.