
Lauren Boebert has “articles of impeachment” for Joe Biden for treatment of “unvaccinated Americans” – LGBTQ Nation

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) told the audience at an anti-LGBTQ Christian conservative conference this weekend that she is getting ready to introduce articles of impeachment for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris because of the Biden administration’s attempts to get people vaccinated against COVID-19. She even referred to Biden and Harris as “the enemy” and told the enraged audience that vaccine mandates are more than enough to start a revolution.

“When we see Biden address the nation and the world and show more contempt and aggravation and aggression towards unvaccinated Americans than he does terrorists, we have a problem,” said Boebert. “And that’s why I have articles of impeachment to impeach Joe Biden, Kamala Harris.”

Related: Lauren Boebert complains that Joe Biden isn’t nice enough to unvaccinated Americans

Boebert was speaking at the Truth & Liberty Coalition conference this weekend, which is led by far-right pastor Andrew Wommack. Wommack has a long history of attacking LGBTQ people, and earlier this year he said, “We oughta put a label across [gay people’s] forehead: This could be hazardous to your health” because “homosexuality is 3 times worse than smoking.”

Wommack’s organization, which has a large presence in Uganda, supported Uganda’s infamous “Kill the Gays” bill. Wommack said that the bill was necessary to hold LGBTQ people accountable for “harm, especially to children and minors, and the spread of HIV/AIDS.”

“Are we going to declare that God removes these unrighteous politicians, these corrupt, crooked politician, and installs righteous men and women of God?” Boebert said. “We cannot take another 18 months, we cannot take another three years of this poor, failed leadership.”

Boebert referenced the American Revolution, telling the audience that “we are sons and daughters of revolutionaries.”

But then she decided to trivialize what the American Revolution was about, saying that revolutionaries “went to battle for a lot less” than being required to either get tested weekly for COVID-19 or get vaccinated.

“They took a stand for a lot less and it’s time we get involved,” she said. “You have the Lord God Almighty on your side. I need you to use your voice and speak.”

Boebert got the crowd worked up by referring to her own country’s government as “the enemy.”

“Are we going to sit and agree with the enemy?” she shouted. “Are we going to agree with what the enemy is doing? Are we going to sit back and complain and murmur?”

“It’s time the church speaks up. The church has relinquished too much authority to government. We should not be taking orders from the government; the government needs to be looking at the church and saying, ‘How do we do this effectively?’”

It is perhaps fitting that Boebert would choose this forum to announce her plans to impeach Biden and Harris over the COVID-19 vaccines – Wommack has said that people who “serve the Lord your God” won’t get coronavirus because God will “take away… whatever receptors you have in your body that make you receptive to sickness.”