JOSEPH ROMANO, professor of statistics and economics, has been named the 2021 LGBTQ+ Scientist of the Year in recognition of outstanding contributions to his field.

Joseph Romano
The award is presented by “Out to Innovate,” former called the National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals.
Romano, who joined Stanford in 1986, also is a member of the 500 Queer Scientists visibility campaign, which works to ensure the next STEM generation has LGBTQ+ role models, helps the current generation recognize they’re not alone and creates opportunities for community connections and greater visibility within STEM.
Romano’s research focuses on resampling, computer-intensive methods for nonparametric inference and multiple hypothesis testing. The award announcement credits him with contributing to fields ranging from econometrics to climate science.
“Romano has developed many new statistical tools, such as subsampling and the stationary bootstrap. The breadth and importance of Romano’s work are described in his letters of support, submitted by scholars across the United States and Europe,” the announcement said.
One letter noted that Romano has “made fundamental, indeed path-breaking, contributions to several distinct areas of statistics.” Another, that he “pioneered novel uses of randomization tests … (leading to) a renewed interest in their use in economics.”
His supporters also note that Romano, as an open and out gay man, has been an inspiration to many LGBTQ+ students at Stanford.
“Joe is extremely caring, and he is always keenly aware of his ability to be a positive influence for LGBTQ+ scientists. His stature enables him to act as an ambassador for them,” one nominator wrote.
His advice for the next generation of LGBTQ+ STEM professionals?
“Enjoy the process, life is continually learning, and you are always evolving. Be authentic, patient and stay in the moment.”
Read this article on the Stanford Today website.