You’re invited to join the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) on Wednesday, December 1 at 2 p.m. ET for our Deconstructing SBIR: What’s New in 2022! webinar. The DHS Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program 22.1 Solicitation is coming soon! The DHS SBIR Program wants to talk to small business innovators about how to participate and other plans for 2022!
Join the DHS SBIR Director and hear about:
- SBIR Program Highlights
- Eligibility and proposal requirements
- Proposal process
About SBIR
DHS uses the SBIR program to fund the development of innovative solutions to help address homeland security needs. SBIR is an excellent opportunity for agile, innovative small businesses to support and advance homeland security, without the need for previous federal contracting experience or knowledge. If you are a small business, women-owned small business, or disadvantaged small business find out how you can work with us.
For more information about the DHS S&T SBIR Program, visit the program portal at https://oip.dhs.gov/sbir/public or email STSBIR.Program@hq.dhs.gov.