
Jason Miyares Campaigns With Yet Another Extremist: Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Choice, Anti-Science, Trump Appointee Ken Cuccinelli – Blue Virginia

From the Mark Herring for AG campaign, regarding his far-right opponent, Jason Miyares.

Jason Miyares Campaigns With Yet Another Extremist  

LEESBURG, Va. – Just after his weekend with Jan. 6 Insurrection attendee Marie March and COVID-19 denier, Rep. Dan Crenshaw, Jason Miyares is spending the weekend with right-wing extremist and Trump appointee Ken Cuccinelli at a fancy fundraiser.

Cuccinelli abused the Virginia Attorney General’s office to fight against LGBTQ+ rights and tried to shut down women’s health clinics. Then he joined the authoritarian regime of Donald Trump, heading up immigration enforcement. In Virginia, according to the New York Times, “he proposed legislation that would allow employers to fire employees who did not speak English, advocated denying citizenship to the American-born children of undocumented immigrants and provoked backlash as attorney general when he referred to immigration policy while discussing killing rats in Washington.”

Miyares seems to be taking cues from his extremist buddy on his reprehensible human rights postions; not only did Miyares vote to defund Planned Parenthood, but in 2018, before voting in committee to kill bills to protect gay and transgender people from housing and employment discrimination, he said that “the need to protect religious freedom” outweighed his “desire to ‘treat everybody with dignity and respect.’”  

“It is as despicable as it is predictable that Jason Miyares is keeping the company of insurrectionists and extremists. Under Ken Cuccinelli’s leadership in Virginia, immigrants, women’s health and LGTBTQ rights were under constant attack from his office. Does Miyares share his right-wing pal’s contempt for new Americans, positions on women’s health care, and LGBTQ rights?” said Madia Coleman, Herring campaign Communications Director. “With Mark Herring as Attorney General, Virginia has progressed to a more just and equitable commonwealth, and we need to keep it that way.”