Lewis Hamilton is a British racing driver and the 7-time F1 champion who has over 100 wins. He is also known as the proud racing driver of England.

Looking into the life of famous people is a common practice in our world. All are eagerly waiting to see what is happening in their life. As usual, people are interested to know about their favorite player and their successful life. Some of the haters intentionally spread rumors about him. 

They are not bothered about the consequences that are going to face by Lewis Hamilton. The sexuality of celebrities is the more demanded topic to be spread. We can see many examples of claims that are done in accordance with the sexuality of celebrities. 

Interest Of People In Personal Matters

Here, the scope for spreading rumors about the sexuality of Lewis Hamilton is quite natural. His marital status will pave the way to this misunderstanding.

He is still single and unmarried at 37 years old also. He is focusing only on his career and passion. He gives less attention to his personal life and relationships. 

Interest Of People In Personal Matters

People are interested to know about his personal matters. Those are not well answered. So his sexual identity and personal life are still mysterious things to his fans and haters.

They always search on the internet to find out the right answer to their questions. The queries long like is Lewis Hamilton gay? and What did Lewis say about his sexuality? 

Let us discuss the facts related to his sexual orientation and some of its solid evidence. 

Why Are People Saying He Is Gay?

Finding the answer to this question will help us to know if he is gay. The first thing is to find the reason behind his being sealed as gay. It will be always a topic of discussion until he spoke about his sexual orientation.

He did not speak a word about his sexuality at an interview or discussion. He has never stated that he is straight or gay. 

He did not respond to the rumor that he is gay. The strong reason behind considering Hamilton gay is he openly supports the LGBTQ community.

He is not coming from an LGBTQ background but he strongly supports them and raised his voice against the anti-LGBTQ organizations and their actions. 

People believe he is gay and that is why he supports and fights for the LGBTQ community. They would not consider his past relationships and connections to prove it he is straight. 

He has a strong relationship in his past. His true love with Nicole Scherzinger was broken up after a few years. He has more affairs after the separation from Nicole. But those also broke up very fast. 

Lewis Hamilton’s Relations

Hamilton kept a close relationship with pop star Nicole Scherzinger. They attended events together. People realized that they were dating from these hints. Their journey lasted for 8 years.

Their separation news was shocking and unbelievable at the same time for their fans. The reason behind their relationship is not revealed yet. But hints pave the way for Nicole demanded the separation first. 

Veronica Valle a glamor model claimed that she had a close relationship with Lewis for 6 months and they broke up. Hamilton keeps silent against her claim as usual. 

Also Read: What Was Chuck Conner’s Sexuality? Was He Gay?

He also had a relationship with Janelle Monae. But now he is still single and highly focused on his career. But people also discuss his current status of relations. They believe the racing star racing with another private relationship. He keeps it a secret. 


British racer Lewis Hamilton is also a target of paparazzi as usual. Rumors are spread around related to his sexual identity.

People will consider him gay because of some reasons like his supporting mentality towards LGBTQ people. 

This claim will remain until he spoke anything against it. Lewis mainly focused on his career than his personal life and relationship. It is also a reason for spreading these kinds of news. 

The racer star celebrates his single life by enjoying vacations and parties in private. Paparazzi try to evade his private life to know more about his relationship.

However, the sexual identity of Lewis Hamilton remains straight. The above evidence did not prove that he is gay.