
Irreversible damage | Barbara’s Blog | – Victoria Advocate

We seem to be stuck in a mode that always translates into left-wing demonic liberal versus right-wing conservative religious wackos.

I innocently thought that when it came to our children, things might be more logical, but nothing could be farther from the truth.

Recently I read “Irreversible Damage — the Transgender Craze Seducing our Daughters” by Abigail Shrier, a writer for the Wall Street Journal. It is a terrifying expose on the social experiment that left-wing politics is conducting and every parent and grandparent should read this book to protect their children.

Whole groups of teenage girls are saying they are transgender, they never thought or acted like a boy in a female body until they heard a “coming out” story at their school or on the internet

This book is a scientific explanation and detailed study of rapid onset transgender dysphoria. The stories are of normal kids from the upper socioeconomic level of our population. Shrier analyzes the evidence, dispels the propaganda of the political left and lays out the facts.

Her bibliography, pages and pages of notes and list of specialists consulted, is overwhelming. Many are liberals but they were brave enough to speak out as scientists and experts on this social experiment.

Parents are confused and afraid. So-called specialists are agreeing with these teens and pushing hormone blockers, mastectomies for young girls and castration for 16-year-old boys. These hormone blockers cause many girls to be infertile.

Teens are diagnosing their own problems after being inundated by “gender affirming” education and therapists.

YouTube ”STARS” are telling young girls that if their parents don’t get on board with blockers and surgeries, their “glitter” or gay family, will be there for them! (Note to teen — So ask them for rent money, braces and clothing.)

These same teens are threatening suicide unless the parents allow these things to happen. Schools are working behind parents’ backs to support this hysteria, which is not following the path of the history of transgenderism.

Instead, so-called experts are saying to these children, “If you think you are, you are!” Can you imagine if we all went to the doctor, said I know what is wrong with me, just give me medicine?

Imagine for a moment being 13 again and your body is changing, then imagine taking hormone blockers to stop puberty!

Imagine a doctor cutting off the breasts of a healthy 12-year-old girl!

Ask yourself what doctor would do this and why is this not considered child abuse!

California has the most comprehensive statewide gender identity and sexual orientation instruction. Parents are not allowed to opt out their children from gender identity or sexual orientation studies.

Judy Chiasson, program coordinator for human relations and diversity in L.A. Unified, says “… society looks to schools to be able to address a lot of social issues. But things that used to be the exclusive domain of families, we’re now asking schools to look at those a little more intentionally.”

“We serve the community but in some places we need to lead the community.” Really? Lead them where exactly?

In June 2019, the California Teachers Association voted on a proposal to allow identified minor students to leave campus during school hours to obtain gender hormone blocker treatments without parental permission. (The same goes for birth control.)

Throughout history, women have broken many barriers, but in today’s social experiment they are called “gender nonconforming.”

I remember the ’60s and women breaking barriers, but never were we told we were men but only proud to be a woman.

Girls who like math or sports or are logical; boys who sing, act or like to draw are “gender nonconforming” They are branded as “a person whose behavior falls outside what is considered typical for their assigned sex.” What claptrap!

The ACLU, Planned Parenthood and Elsen (Gay and Lesbian Independent Schools Teachers Network) of course, are brought into schools to lecture students on sexual orientation and gender.

Kindergarteners are introduced to ”Gingerbread Person” and “Gender Unicorn.” Teachers read from “I am Jazz” and small children are taught they might have a “girl brain in a boy’s body.”

This is scientific gibberish! A girl’s brain cannot inhabit a boy’s body. It is stamped with XX Chromosomes. It is nothing but political nonsense and might be funny if it did not end in destroying people’s lives and actually causing some to end their lives.

This drivel is taught as TRUTH to impressionable children.

In California, the Board of Education has the kindergarten teachers read “Who are You? The Kids Guide to Gender Identity” by Brook Pessin-Whedbee. The author says “Babies can’t talk, so grown ups make a GUESS by looking at their bodies.” A guess???????

Kids are then introduced to a stream of names such as Trans, Genderqueer, non-binary, gender fluid, bigender, etc. They believe kids can pick out their own point on that spectrum.

I wanted to be a cowgirl and a nun when I was little. Wonder where that would fit in?

Gender stereotypes are being taught as if they are science not total nonsense.

This “so called” kids guide says, “You are who you say you are, because you know best!” Heck, I know 4-year-olds who say they are a dinosaur!

The books says that parents must listen to their children, but what they are really saying is that parents must agree with them!!

Shrier’s book talked about the part COVID and the phone had to play in this “social experiment”.

This book, “Irreversible Damage,” has pages of unbelievable interviews with grief-stricken and confused parents, misguided teens, broken teens, educators, psychologists, scientists and more. I could never begin to tell you all that I read. I actually sent this book to all my own children. (Amazon)

It is disturbing, but unless you know the truth about the politics behind this heinous crime that is happening to our children, you cannot protect your children and your grandchildren.

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