World Gay News

“I’m a Conservative Republican. We don’t do gay.” – Daily Kos

My thoughts exactly

This just has to be seen to be believed. The ClubQ shooter’s father was recently interviewed by CBS8 in San Diego and they inadvertently revealed the mindset of your typical MAGA Republican. The guy is literally RELIEVED that his son is a mass murderer and not, in fact, gay.

Watch and weep at what is happening to our country at these people’s hands. These knuckle-draggers are literally dragging us into an Abyss of their own creation. They have painted targets on our back and are OPENLY celebrating the death of five more people who only wanted to live their lives in peace. In fact Jenna Ellis herself literally claimed that they are “going to hell” for being queer. I’m not posting her screed because it’s just too hateful. 


UPDATE (15:43 PST 11/23/2022): Turns out Daddy is a former MMA fighter and porn star who has been in such masterpieces as  My MILF Boss 8, I Wanna Get Titty Fucked, and Latina Slut Academy. He also identifies as a Mormon.