DEAR DEIDRE: I’VE started to get curious about sex with women.

I’m a gay guy of 34, out since I was 19.

I am a gay man but I have started to get curious about bedding a woman


I am a gay man but I have started to get curious about bedding a woman

Get in touch with Deidre today

My team and I are working safely from home but we are here to help you as always.

I’ve only had sex with men, so why have I spent the past few months thinking about taking a woman to bed?

The idea is becoming more and more appealing.

I know I shouldn’t use some woman as a guinea pig – and what if I lose my bottle at the last minute?

DEIDRE SAYS: It is normal for people to fantasise about both men and women, so don’t worry.

The question is whether you make those thoughts a reality.

Many only work out their sexual identity by experimenting and this is healthy too.

While it would be wrong to use a woman simply for sex, there is no harm in having sex with a woman if it feels natural at the time.

Many believe our sexuality is fluid, so don’t hurry to classify yourself.

That can lead to unhappiness and feelings of being trapped.

I am sending you my support pack Bisexual Worries, which has more guidance.

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