Straight actors keep describing their projects as “very gay,” when they are, in fact, very not. Recently, for example, Natalie Portman did this when talking about Thor: Love and Thunder, a movie that didn’t even give Valkyrie a girlfriend! Maybe straight people don’t know how to answer this question because they don’t understand the scale of gayness? And so I have made a handy visual guide to help straights answer the question: How Gay Is It? Feel free to distribute to all your straight companions.
Click here for full-size image.
” data-medium-file=”″ data-large-file=”″ class=”wp-image-567205 size-full” src=”″ alt=”A chart with 11 frowny to smiley faces, indicating straightness to gayness. Text: The Most Straight (The Proposal), Distressingly Straight (Facebook), Intensely Straight (Gendered Happy Meal Toys), Moderately Straight (#LoveIsLove), Tolerably Straight (Mario Kart), Nearly Gay (The Golden Girls, Girlfriends, covens in general) Kinda Gay (The floor is lava), Pretty Gay (Never forgiving, never forgetting) Mostly Gay (TikTok), Gay (The L Word), Profoundly Gay (The WNBA)” width=”1220″ height=”2237″ srcset=” 2352w, 349w, 768w, 491w, 838w, 1117w” sizes=”(max-width: 1220px) 100vw, 1220px” data-recalc-dims=”1″>