A study published in Career Development Quarterly has looked at whether beliefs and attitudes influence career aspirations of college students with different genders and sexual orientations.

Among 1,129 college students at a midwestern urban university, stronger self-efficacy beliefs–or perceptions about whether a person has the ability to achieve a desired outcome–led both male and lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, intersex, and questioning (LGBQIQ) students to seek out leadership positions within their chosen career field. Stronger feminist attitudes were associated with an increase in achievement efforts for LGBQIQ college students, but not for heterosexual students.

“The results of the study not only demonstrate that beliefs and attitudes influence college students’ career aspirations, but also underscore the moderating effects of gender and sexual orientation on these relationships”, said lead author Darrick Tovar-Murray, PhD, of DePaul University. “Career counselors and other professionals might consider using these findings to support college students in their occupational goals and also encourage them to accomplish their vocational dreams.”


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