Bring on the vomit!

A pastor at a notorious anti-LGBTQ+ church in Texas labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center told his congregation he would rather eat his own vomit than engage in anal sex with another man, and apparently, he’s not the only pastor in the denomination to feel that way. Author and blogger Hehmant Mehta tweeted excerpts of the sermons at the Steadfast Baptist Church in Watauga where pastor Jonathan Shelley made the claims.

“If you said ‘hey, pastor Shelley, you’re going to have to eat Indian food and ranch dressing every day of your life or do that one time [engage in anal sex with another man],’” pastor Shelley said during a recent sermon, “it’s like bring on the Indian food.”

Shelley then promised to recycle his food rather than engage in anal sex with a gay man.

“‘Paster Shelley, what if you had to eat the Indian food and ranch dressing and then vomit it up and eat it again, or do that one time,’” Shelley continued, “it’s like bring on the vomit!”

Later in the sermon, Shelley claimed gay men suffer from horrific medical consequences as a result of gay anal sex.

“What men do with men is defiling their bodies, hurting their bodies, they’re hurting each other. They’re causing themselves all kind of problems. Their intestines will sometimes just fall out because of the actions that they do.”

Shelley was apparently referencing a prolapsed anus, where a portion of the rectum turns inside-out and protrudes from the body, although the intestines do not actually “fall out” of the body. He made no similar claim regarding straight women who engage in anal sex with straight men.

Not content with leveling outrageous claims about the LGBTQ+ community, Shelley also made some revealing admissions about his marriage and family.

“Male teachers are often these pedophile predators, too, because most men don’t want to be around kids all day,” Shelley claimed. “That’s why I got married and [have] a wife, okay? She takes care of the kids.”

With his predilection for eating his own vomit, Shelley appeared to be echoing the beliefs of fellow New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist denomination pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Ariz., who earlier delivered a sermon where he declared engaging in gay sodomy is “yea, much grosser than eating your own vomit.”

In that sermon, Anderson claimed to be so disturbed by the thought of personally engaging in anal sex with another man that he assured his congregation “I would rather eat my own vomit out of a bowl with a spoon every day for the rest of my life until I’m 100 than engage in what they do one single time.”

While both men’s claims are stomach-churning, the pair’s sermons had parallels with a verse in the Bible’s New Testament book of Revelations where Jesus decries “lukewarm” believers.

“So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth,” Jesus is quoted in chapter three, verse 16.

It would appear that both Shelley and Anderson want to elevate their commitment to the church from simple regurgitation as referenced in the Bible to a higher act of faith.

Shelly and the denomination have a history of making threatening and disturbing claims about the LGBTQ+ community. Last May, he advocated committing violence against LGBTQ+ people. At an Arlington City Council meeting he railed against Pride, saying the Bible teaches “we should hate pride, not celebrate it.”

In his sermon entitled, Why We Won’t Shut Up, pastor Dillon Awes of the Stedfast Baptist Church in Hurst, Texas, said gay men were predatory pedophiles deserving of a state execution. “We need to put these people to death through the proper channels of the government.”