The international law firm, Baker McKenzie has announced that they’ve “parted ways” with Dr Habib Al Mulla, who is their most senior partner in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), over his homophobic and sexist social media comments.
Habib of Habib Al Mulla & Partners confirmed the departure but doubled down on his statements and said he would not apologise for his homophobic social media posts.
“I would like to thank everyone who has shown their support for me and my stance on homosexuality. Your support means a lot. I apologise if I inadvertently missed to reply to any of you,” Al Mulla told his 61,000 followers on Twitter.
Homophobic, Sexist Comments
Al Mulla had posted in Arabic in a Twitter thread, stating that the “problem with homosexuality in the West is not only in the ugliness of the act.”
١- الإشكالية فى فكر وحركة الشذوذ الجنسي فى الغرب ليس فقط فى بشاعة الفعل بل فى استلزام الالحاد بطبيعته. فقد يمارس شخص الشذوذ فى السر وعلى استحياء لأنه مدرك لخطأه وأنه بفعله المنكر يعصى الخالق فيما يفعل
— حبيب الملا (@DrHabibAlMulla) September 6, 2022
“But in the necessity of atheism by its nature. A person may practice perversion in secret and with shyness, because he is aware of his mistake and that by his evil act he [a gay person] is disobeying the Creator in what he is doing.”
Al Mulla also commented on a video that celebrated Emirati Women’s Day. In the short video, several women spoke about how they navigated their society, with one participant strongly encouraging female viewers that, “No matter what you look like or feel inside you are not alone.”
Al Mulla interpreted the words from the women as a radical celebration of women’s independence and the promotion of homosexuality. In a Twitter thread, he explained how he had examined the video and saw it as “not a random act by a group rebelling against the values of society.”
He claimed that the last phrase, in the video, “You are not alone” was frequently used in gay publications.
Law Firm Disowns Lawyers Homophobic Tweets
Al Mulla also took aim at the women in the video, criticising them and asking, “who gave them the right to promote these ideas?They have every freedom to wear what they want and express what they want, but they have no right to falsely claim that they represent Emirati women and promote this model.”
Baker McKenzie said that “Any social media comments by Dr Habib represent his own views and not those of the Firm.”
“Baker McKenzie strongly believes that however much we may disagree with the beliefs and personal views of others, we must find ways to disagree respectfully, encourage inclusive dialogue and to ensure an inclusive work environment for all,” the statement said.
They global law firm confirmed they will be parting ways with Habib, but “remain committed to supporting both clients and employees in the UAE and the wider region.”