The IGLTA Convention kicks off at the Hotel Midtown today. The weekend, which is the world’s premier educational and networking event for LGBTQ tourism professionals, kicked off this morning with registration at 8 am.
The opening session will begin today at 1 p.m. and will include an update of IGLTA from President and CEO John Tanzella, welcome remarks from the Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau, the 2021 IGLTA Honors Presentations, and more. The session will be followed by break out groups focused on LGBTQ Tourism and Hospitality 101 and Women in Business as well as 10-minute headshot mini sessions provided by Flytographer. Today concludes with the opening reception at the Georgia Aquarium.
Tomorrow, September 10, attendees can expect a session on trends for LGBTQ travel starting at 9:30 am; a showcase networking lunch at 12:30 pm; and a media networking event at 3 pm, which allows buyers and sellers to meet directly with digital and print media outlets like the Georgia Voice and travel writers and influencers. Tomorrow concludes with Voyage 2021, the IGLTA Foundation’s annual fundraiser, at the Delta Flight Museum at 6:30 pm.
The weekend concludes on September 11 with breakouts in Cultural Competency, Best Practices for LGBTQ Tourism and Inclusive Marketing before the closing session at 11:30 am, which will include the presentation of the 2021 IGLTAF Impact Award to The Treadright Foundation, IGLTA’s “Travel Talks,” and closing remarks.
The final event of the convention is the closing cocktail reception, themed around next year’s global convention destination, Milan, Italy.
For more information on IGLTA and the convention, visit igltaconvention.org.