World Gay News

George Santos: First Out Gay Elected Republican Congressman May Have Faked His Resume – Them

It turns out being Republican doesn’t affect being a messy gay who lives for drama.

George Santos, a Republican from Long Island who was the first gay Republican elected to congress when he won his race in November, may have lied about several resume claims that he touted  heavily in his campaign, according to a The New York Times report published Monday. 

According to Santos’ website, he is a “seasoned Wall Street financier and investor, with extensive work in capital introduction, real estate, capital markets, bio-tech and ETC.” He also claims to have “a long history of philanthropic work across New York, and around the country,” having “worked tirelessly with animal rescue efforts in the Tri-State area.”

However, the Times found several holes in Santos’ story. He claimed to have worked for Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, but representatives for those firms said there was no record of him having worked at either place. Santos claims that he graduated from New York City public college Baruch College in 2010, but the Times was also told that there was no record of Santos graduating. CNN additionally found that New York University, which Santos has claimed to have received a degree from, could not verify his attendance either. 

Santos additionally claimed to have run an animal rescue group called Friends of Pets United, according to the Times; but the Internal Revenue Service could not locate any records of any charity registered under that name. 

The Long Island congressman also claimed to have received a salary of $750,000 this year and last at the Devolder Organization, which he said was a “family firm” managing $80 million in assets. But CNN found that the business was registered in Florida in 2021, and that it was not currently active. 

Santos reportedly did not respond to repeated requests for documents that would verify his claims from both CNN and the Times. However, his attorney Joseph Murray told CNN that “Santos represents the kind of progress that the Left is so threatened by — a gay, Latino, immigrant and Republican who won a Biden district in overwhelming fashion by showing everyday voters that there is a better option than the broken promises and failed policies of the Democratic Party.”

Since Monday, Santos has faced mounting calls to resign or at the very least personally address the allegations, but as of Wednesday morning he had not yet made a public statement. 

Sure, maybe the Democratic Party is frequently a disappointment that doesn’t follow through on its promises. But we’d say that lying in pretty easily debunked ways about major parts of your past is probably not the greatest way to win over voters. Although, this is the Republican party we’re talking about, many of whom genuinely believe that there are litterboxes being installed in schools to accommodate furry children, so this is relatively normal in comparison. 

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