OK, before you say “That’s not Kirstie Alley! That’s Kristen Johnston!”, WE KNOW. The joke will make sense in a minute…

It was American lawyer Clarence Darrow (not Mark Twain) who famously said, “I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.” And that seems to be the sentiment many are sharing after learning the news of Kirstie Alley’s passing yesterday.

The pro-Trump, anti-vax Masked Singer contestant died this week after a brief battle with cancer, her family announced yesterday. She was 71 years old.

Alley was a staunch MAGA supporter who frequently used her social media platform, where she had 1.5 million followers, to peddle homophobic right-wing talking points and disparage people who disagreed with her, often calling them names, telling them they were going to hell, and blocking them. (She even blocked Queerty at one point.)

Related: Former actress Kirstie Alley says teaching kids to be more open-minded will turn them into pedophiles

She opposed diversity in Hollywood and believed teaching kids about LGBTQ+ issues and sex ed in schools would turn them into pedophiles. Oh, and she loathed Billy Eichner.

In short, she wasn’t the kindest person. Although, in her heyday, she did give a few solid performances that still hold up. Drop Dead Gorgeous will always be a camp classic. And who can deny the greatness of the Look Who’s Talking trilogy?

That said, those movies came out decades ago, and Alley changed significantly since they were released, particularly after Trump entered the political arena.

Related: Former actress Kirstie Alley rages about “a**hats” and anal sex during chaotic Twitter rampage

Which leads us to the tweets, since it was always about the tweets with Alley. While a number of her former co-stars and colleagues, including John Travolta and Valerie Bertinelli, have paid tribute to her on social media, many others have been less quick to gloss over the last seven or so years and the legacy of hate and intolerance she leaves behind.

Here’s what they’re saying…

Joking, politics, and, yes, even her homophobia aside, we do hope Alley has finally found some peace.