A group of kids and teens stop abruptly as the music quits during one of Saturday’s cakewalks at the Pride in July event host by SKC club Spirit of Many Colors.
Char-Koosta News
PABLO — Spirit of Many Colors, the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) Club of Salish Kootenai College, hosted its inaugural Pride in July event Saturday afternoon in the parking lot of the Joe McDonald Gymnasium. Around 40 youth and adults gathered to paint, eat treats, and to recognize that love is love.
The club held the Pride in July event because they feel it’s important to spread awareness about the club and to reach out to the community to see what they can do to give back.
Members of Chief Cliff Singers did an honor song before the event kicked off. Ronan resident Kayla Ridgley and her uncle Mike Kenmille shared a few words before activities started.
Chief Cliff drum group opens Saturday’s Pride in July event at Salish Kootenai College with an honor song. The event was hosted and sponsored by SKC’s Spirit of Many Colors club and attracted people of all ages.
“We are gathered here today to let everyone know that there is more love than hate. It’s hard to realize that when on social media hate is so rampant. With this gathering we know that we are strong, we are here, and we are not alone,” Ridgley said.
Everyone participated in several cakewalks and a painting/coloring station where colorful art was created. Throughout the festivities the club raffled off prizes of beadwork, clothing, and hats. Several different pride flags and other goodies were handed out too.
Spirit of Many Colors treasure Lauren Clairmont holds a hat she beaded to donate to Pride in July’s raffle that went on throughout the event Saturday afternoon. Allen Kenmille won the hat from his one free raffle ticket he attained for attending the event.
Spirit of Many Colors mission is to help the community establish a GSAs in the local schools because studies have found that by creating alliances suicide rates go down and grades go up, said club president Aaron Ashley. The club also hopes to help the community to understand how and why it’s important to be an ally during these times.
Club officers consist of President Aaron Ashley, Vice President Cindy Erhardt, Secretary Camas Renault, Treasures Lauren Clairmont, and faculty advisor Wren Walker.
“It warmed my heart to see our club put on something like this since we started about two years ago,” Ashley said, adding that they went from putting on a quaint little haunted house to hosting a two-spirit panel, and now Pride in July. “I knew we would get there someday but never dreamed it to be while I was still here at SKC,” Ashley said.
Elaina Buckskin and Claire Charlo hold up various flags that represent pride at Saturday’s Pride in July Even that took place July 31 at Salish Kootenai College.
Sprit of Many Colors sponsored the event and plan to do it yearly in June or July. To keep up to date with the club’s activities and events follow Spirit of Many Colors on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spiritofmanycolors. If any SKC students want to join the club, contact Spirit of Many Colors via Facebook or email at aaronashely@student.skc.edu, cindyearhardt@student.skc.edu, wren_walkerrobbins@skc.edu.