
Gay Sports Bar Tight End Takes Over Streets Denver Space – Westword


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For the past five years, X Bar owner Steven Alix has looked for a spot to open a gay sports bar, and he finally found it at the former home of Streets Denver. The rock bar, at 1501 East Colfax Avenue, closed last month after more than two decades.

Alix, who also co-owns The Squire Lounge, a few blocks east on East Colfax Avenue, with Sudy Kudva, just opened the Tight End in the former punk venue on Monday, April 12.

“We’re really just focusing on the sports thing that’s been a missing niche in our community, and we’re ready to fill that,” Alix says. “It’s been received really well so far. It’s never been done [in Denver] as far as I know, and all the other major cities have gay sports bars. This one doesn’t, so it’s time.”

While the interior and the patios have been remodeled, Tight End also pays homage to Streets Denver by keeping the former club’s memorabilia, including the venue’s signs and posters.

It's about time Denver had a gay sports bar!EXPAND

It’s about time Denver had a gay sports bar!

Steven Alix

“We’ll try to keep that memory alive a little bit, because it was such a long time,” Alix says. “We are hopeful to be inclusive to the previous customers, and we tried to try to maintain some of the things from the past.”

Two projector screens have been installed as have a number of TVs around the bar. With four channel options, Alix, who’s from Wisconsin and a big Green Bay Packers fan, says they’ll be able to play different sports, both local and beyond.

While it’s been tough running bars over the past year during the pandemic, Alix says X Bar, the gay friendly hangout he opened ten years ago, is picking up momentum again, but the smaller clubs like Squire and Tight End might be a bit more challenging since they’re both roughly the same size and have smaller capacities because of COVID-19 regulations.

3 Guys Pies, the pizza joint which has long shared the building with Streets Denver, is still operating as usual and shares the same hours as the bar, 3 p.m. to close, seven days a week. Tight End also offers daily happy hours with $2 off any drink from 3 to 8 p.m.

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