The Log Cabin Republicans have issued their standard response to being excluded by their own Party. For the past 20 years, the group has tried to have a booth at the Texas Republican Party convention; they’ve been denied every time.

This year, the Party went so far as to deem homosexuality “an abnormal lifestyle.” But the group is upset because they oppose LGBTQ rights too and should have gotten a pass.

Related: Gay Republicans released a cringeworthy video praising Donald Trump for President’s Day

President Charles Moran has penned a piece for USA Today lamenting that the group was denied even the most basic of considerations, proclaiming “inclusion wins.” He has also written op-eds decrying the Equality Act, landmark LGBTQ civil rights legislation that includes nondiscrimination protections.

The group is so in-line with the Party, Moran argues, that they also oppose transgender nondiscrimination protections. That part of the essay falls shortly before the claim that the group’s motto is “inclusion wins.”

“Perhaps the Texas Republicans are excluding LGBT conservatives in reaction to the surge in leftist radical gender ideology that is swamping our schools,” Moran writes. “Here’s something Texas Republicans may be surprised to learn: Our members vigorously oppose this radical gender culture war just as much as they do.”

“Our organization vocally defended Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Florida Parental Rights in Education law and slammed Democrats for lying about it. We oppose teaching young children about sex and gender ideology in schools. We believe that allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports is unfair. We have been on the front lines in these fights because, unlike LGBT activists on the left, we do not agree with the radical notion that sex and gender are meaningless.”

The Log Cabin Republicans, like large swathes of the GOP, embraced Donald Trump and everything he stands for. The group was founded in opposition to a proposed law that would have banned gay teachers in California. The argument that conservatives used to push the measure are what the group now repeats and argues itself.

Moran grasps for straws to show that the Party has become more welcoming to LGBTQ people despite the overwhelming contradictory evidence. While Trump repeatedly pushed dangerous anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, and continues to do so, Moran praises him as a model of inclusion.

“Trump’s record continued after he left office,” he writes. “Last year, he and first lady Melania Trump generously welcomed the Log Cabin Republicans to hold our annual fundraising gala at Mar-a-Lago.”

Trump has “welcomed” several GOP gatherings at his Florida retreat – and the money paid to rent the facilities and pay catering costs – as sycophant after bootlicker has lined up to pledge obsequiousness. The group has repeatedly tried to ingratiate its members with the former First Lady, going so far as to give her an award for not launching attacks on the community herself.

Shortly before the presidential election, the group released a video praising her in over-the-top language. It was widely mocked by the community.

“She is without a doubt the most fashionable, the most beautiful, the most classy and charismatic and just fashion-forward first lady,” one Republican said, making sure to mention fashion twice.

“Melania Trump is fierce,” another Republican says in the video. “People don’t want a first lady they can relate to. They want a first lady can aspire to.”

The group declared her “the first Republican first lady to ever support our community,” but the video doesn’t really mention anything that she did to support LGBTQ equality.

“I’m not so sure where Melania Trump got her passion for equality, but it was there and it was real,” former ambassador Richard Grenell insisted meekly. “Maybe it’s because she’s the most international first lady we’ve ever had, she speaks so many languages.”

She speaks two: English and Slovenian.