Former gay porn star Mickey Taylor is being sued after allegedly accusing JustFor.Fans creator Dominic Ford of being a “rapist”.
Marcus Stones, who goes by the name Mickey Taylor in his adult films, faces libel damages of up to £60,000 ($108,630) for allegedly defaming Jack Aaronson (known as Dominic Ford) for raping pornographic models last April.
Stones posted a series of tweets in June 2020 and has also made similar comments in a video posted to a YouTube channel with 192,000 subscribers.
Aaronson: Act of Revenge
Aaronson has responded to the allegations, citing them as a “’series of incredibly serious false allegations” in an “act of revenge” that followed a disagreement between the two men.
Judge Julian Knowles has begun overseeing the trial at the High Court in London. The case is due to end today.
Aaronson’s legal team advisor, Barrister Gervase de Wilde, told the judge in a written case outline that: “[Aaronson’s] claim is over a series of incredibly serious false allegations, published by [Stones] on social media about [Aaronson’s] conduct, beginning on 14 June 2020, principally that (Aaronson) is responsible for the rape of multiple individuals.
“The publications were made as an act of revenge by [Stones], in the hours after a disagreement between the parties on an unrelated issue.”
‘Extort Models and Blackmail Them Into Sex’
According to The Daily Mail, one of the tweets said, “Using your power as figurehead in the industry to extort models & blackmail them into sex is UNACCEPTABLE!”
Using the pseudonym Dominic Ford, Aaronson has been able to operate his own porn studio for almost a decade.
In an interview with Little Gay Blog, Aaronson explained that Just For. Fans began from an idea where he could help models have a more stable and recurring income. Aaronson said that under the current traditional studio model, it was not possible for adult film stars to be financially stable.
“Because if somebody buys a subscription to a porn site like, what percentage of that subscription goes to a model who is in one out of 500 movies on the site? It doesn’t make any sense and there’s no way to really know.
“It’s not the same thing as an actor in Hollywood where it’s very apparent how successful an individual movie is. Because in Hollywood people buy movies, not a subscription to MGM studios,” he said.
Experienced ‘Racism and Homophobia’
Launching his website in 2018, Aaronson’s Just For. Fans allows users to follow and message their favourite porn stars while having access to exclusive videos and photos by paying a monthly fee, with the platform taking a share of the profits.
Head of Stones’ legal team, Barrister Jonathan Price, said Stones was a student who worked as a model and performer in the adult entertainment industry for around seven years until August 2020.
Price told the court that Stones had experienced “racism and homophobia” and believed there was a “sense of duty” to “speak out for others who experience injustice and are not heard”.
Barrister Wilde described Aaronson as a “United States-based internet entrepreneur” who worked in the “part of the industry related to gay pornography,” and Aaronson has been nominated for XBiz businessman of the year, this year.
Aaronson is also seeking an injunction against Stones to prevent further allegations about him from being made.