World Gay News

Gay men list their biggest fears, and we’re suddenly in a cold sweat – Queerty

Worried anxious man

When gay Reddit users got to talking about their biggest fears, the responses ranged from specific phobias (fires, swarming insects, and the like) to existential anxieties (lonely deaths, unfulfilled dreams, etc.) and even to geopolitical concerns.

Many commenters seconded others’ fears, while one person clapped back at another’s comment, as you’ll see below.

Here, presented in no particular order and edited for readability, are selected comments from that thread. Maybe don’t read these if you’re trying to fall asleep, though…

“Looking back at the end of my life and having more regrets than things I’m proud of.”

“Dying alone.”

“Dying alone and broke.”

“Never reaching and living none of my dreams and being doomed to a routine, gray life while everybody lives their best life, and hitting some moment in my life where I feel like I wasted my whole life and it’s worth nothing. Lately, I’ve been feeling a lot like that, like I’m obsolete and my time is over, and I’m not even in my 20s. And I’m claustrophobic. And a little fear of the dark is still there, remaining from my childhood.”

Related: Reddit users list the “main advantages” of being gay

“Never finding love.”

“Having a slow death.”

“Forgetting my memories.”

“Actual fear? Bees. Emotional fear? Closing myself off.”

“Dementia, house fires, and living longer than my significant other.”

“Living in Sweden, right now it’s Russia winning in Ukraine and continuing their rampage westwards. Especially if our NATO application doesn’t go through.”


“First, I’m terrified of dying by decapitation. Second, I’m afraid of being killed and eaten by a cannibal.”

“Having a stroke and not being able to communicate that I need some anxiety meds!”

Related: Gay men list the gay stereotypes they feel are most accurate

“Mortal fear: either having Alzheimer’s (because I’m going to die by literally having the memories ripped from me) or dying by something that is so embarrassing/stupid. I do not want to be a real-life case of 1000 Ways to Die. Emotional fear: being found out by my family/friends. I don’t think I’ll be in any real danger if my family and straight friends found out I was gay (even though I do have friends who are civilized homophobes), but they sure as hell would not be happy with me. I also have a fear of past regrets and future hold-backs.”

“Becoming irrelevant.” (Another commenter responded: “This is real. When I was in a different chapter of life, I had better income, health, responsibilities at work, etc. I was seen and heard. As these things get chipped away, I’m becoming invisible.”)

“Never being successful.”

“[The] future. I feel like I have no plan for my future at all. I spend my time aside from my work either in the gym, watching movies, or gaming.”

“Burning up in a fire.”

“[Being] one of those 60-year-olds on Grindr still looking for a quickie.” (Another commenter responded: “Guys are guys at any age. Horny is horny. Do you think a guy at 60 stops having sex? Ha, no. In fact, he is more experienced and knowledgeable on sex and can likely outlast you and me! You will be 60 hopefully and still having a quickie. I hope I will!”)
