Desperate gay men in Afghanistan are living in terror and pleading for deliverance from the “nightmare” of Taliban rule, according to reports.
“As soon as the Taliban know that I am a gay man, they will kill me without even thinking about it,” 36-year-old “Sayed” told Business Insider Saturday.
In less than a week, he said, the mood in Afghanistan’s underground gay community went from clandestine freedom to outright panic.
“We cannot go out because we are just scared for our lives,” said “Ghulam,” 21, who dropped out of his college classes and has closeted himself at home amid the Taliban takeover.
Homosexuality has been technically illegal in Afghanistan for years, but has not been prosecuted since the U.S. and its NATO allies drove the Taliban from power in 2001.
But under the terror group’s brutal interpretation of Sharia law, gay sex carries a death sentence. Its previous regime killed at least a dozen homosexual men by crushing them to death under stone walls toppled by tanks or bulldozers, according to a report issued by the Australian government.
“It’s not hyperbolic to say that gay people will get weeded out and exterminated by the Taliban, just like the Nazis did,” said Nemat Sadat, a former professor at Kabul’s American University of Afghanistan who fled to Los Angeles in 2013 after receiving death threats.
“People are messaging me saying here’s my passport, here’s all my information, please get me out of this country, I’m going to die.”